Monday, July 21, 2014

Generation 1, Chapter 53


Peter agreed to allow Elias to come over so that Doloris could have an at home date. He had been thinking of lifting her punishment early and this would give him time to see how she acted with a little bit of freedom. Peter wasn't pleased when Elias came over so late and woke everyone up.

"It's late Elias, don't stay too long," Peter told him as he went to get Doloris.

"Sorry sir. I guess I was so excited to see her I didn't realize how late it was," Elias said.

"Wait here while I go get her."

Doloris rushed out of her room, forgetting to put a robe on over her pajamas.

"Elias I'm so happy to see you," Doloris greeted as she gave him a hug.

"I can't stay long but I just had to see you," he said dipping her as he gave kissed her. "Hmmm I've missed you."

Enjoying the feel of his arm around her, Doloris said "I've missed you too"

Giving her another kiss Elias let her go. "I better go before your Dad changes his mind about our date night."

"Yeah I guess so," Doloris said following Elias to the door. "See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight sweetheart," Elias said turning to the door. Then he stopped and grabbed Doloris for one last kiss before leaving.

The following evening Doloris was anxious that everything would go smoothly for her date. "Adam can you go do something else?"

"I'm in a middle of a game," he protested "I just got home from work and just want to relax."

"Relax some place else. Elias is coming over and I want you gone."

"No way I want you making out on the same couch I sit on to watch TV."

"Well too bad, besides Mom and Dad already do."

"That's different and they've moved that out to Brian's old car." Adam said as he shut down his game. He wandered down stairs and changed to practice board breaking.

He just received a letter from Windy and had a lot of bent up frustration that need release after reading it. She had been all excited about some dance she had been invited to and how she hoped he didn't mind her excepting. She was careful to include that she and this boy were just friends and she appreciated the trust he had in her.

"Son, how about taking a break," Peter suggested "Come play a game of chess with me."

Adam nodded agreement, noticing his hands were sore. He hadn't realized how much force he had been using until he stopped. He followed his Dad to the chess board. After deciding who had white they fell into an uneasy silence. Each absorbed in their own thoughts.

"Dad can I ask your advice on something?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Peter sighed in relief. He had felt something was bothering him but didn't know how to bring it up.

"Well um you see," Adam stopped trying to figure out what he wanted to say. Sighing deeply he plowed ahead "I received a letter from Windy and well she's going to a dance with some boy she met. She says they're just friends but ..."

"But you think she's not telling you everything."

"Yeah I guess. I want to trust her, I really do."

"But she doesn't have the best track record. Son, why do you like Windy?"

"I don't know. She's just always been a part of my life. I don't want to lose her."

"I can appreciate that but there has to be more to your relationship than it being comfortable and the only thing you know. Do you love her?"

"I think I do. I know I should."

"Son you either do or you don't. You can't love someone because you think you should out of a sense of duty. It wouldn't be fair to you or to Windy."

"So you think we should break-up?"

"I'm not saying that either. You have to decide for yourself. You have an opportunity to learn who you are without Windy around all the time. Get out there and meet people. Have some fun. When you graduate and Windy comes home you can decide what's next."

"Ok but it would be so much easier if you would just tell me what I should do."

"It might but it's a decision only you can make_"

"Dad, can I talk to you?" Doloris interrupted.

"Is your date over already?" Peter inquired.

"Yeah, Elias had to be home early because of being out late last night." Doloris turned to Adam "Do you mind? I need to talk to Dad."

"Honey, Adam and I were in the middle of something. I'll talk to ..."

"It's ok Dad. She can take my place."

"If your sure, we can talk later."

"I just want to be alone for awhile to think."

As soon as Adam got up, Doloris scooted into his vacated chair.

"So what's so urgent that couldn't wait?" Peter asked trying to stifle his irritation he felt at the interruption.

"Keep an open mind but Elias has tickets to our favorite band and he wants to take me. Please Daddy can I go? I promise I won't be late again."

"Whoa slow down. Where is this concert? In town?"

"Well no Daddy but it's not far. I figure we could stay a night or two with Grandpa and Grandma."

"No absolutely not. You are not going to Bridgeport for a concert."

"But Daddy I'll be good and come home right after."

"Honey do you have any idea how far away Bridgeport is?" Doloris shook her head silently. "It's an eighteen hour drive. It's out of the question. You're not going."

"That's not fair," Doloris protested.

"I said no, end of discussion." Peter got up and went upstairs. He couldn't believe Doloris would even think he would even entertain the idea of letting her go to Bridgeport by herself with a boy. What was she thinking?

"Hey Dad, is everything alright?" Corina asked

"Everything's fine, sweetie," Peter replied "How was work?"

"Ok I guess. I'm going to change to exercise."

"Have fun."

Corina went downstairs to use the treadmill. She didn't use the ballet bar much anymore. She had lost interest in ballet; although she still enjoyed exercising. She couldn't figure out how Doloris maintained her weight when she never exercised. One day she was sure, it would catch up with her. Secretly, Corina couldn't wait so she could tell her "I told you so.



  1. Hmm... why do I get the feeling that Doloris is probably going to sneak out? I'm still conflicted wth Windy. I wish Adam would move on, but he can't for Emit's sake. I noticed Peter is getting more and more impatient.

    1. You just might be right. Doloris is going to at least try to sneak out. Windy is up to no good at school and dating is just one of them. It'll come out more in gen 2 what she's hiding from Adam. Peter is more impatient lately. It might be the pressure Jean is putting on him to have another baby when he was looking forward to an empty house. Plus he's really worried about Vallari and trying to keep Elliot safe. So he's a bit distracted.

  2. LOL, an eighteen hour drive with your teenage boyfriend, yeah, Peter made the right choice in saying no to that one. Adam seems like he doesn't have much of an identity, like he's sitting around pining for Windy. It makes more sense now that I know about the descendant thing with Emit, but poor Adam, if that's what his life is like. There's got to be a better way for Adam to be more independent even if he does eventually get together with Windy. When he said he wished his dad would just tell him what to do, I felt bad for him, and a little sad that he's still almost got the mindset of a child even though he's not one anymore.

    1. Yeah there was no way Peter was going to allow that. Not sure what Doloris was thinking even asking.
      Adam is a little lost, overwhelmed and would prefer that someone else make the hard decisions. He's not so much pining for Windy but for the way things were before he made her real. Windy was his best friend and he misses that and he clings to that hoping that somehow she will go back to the way she was. Adam does need to learn to be more independent and to except things for how they really are instead of how he imagines it to be. He likes to ignore what doesn't match with his fairy tail world in his head. It's going to be a hard lesson for him to learn.
