Sunday, January 25, 2015

Generation 2, Chapter 29 - Accidents Happen

They had arrived in Oasis Landing a couple months ago.  The first thing he and Beverly did was start looking for the materials they needed to fix the alien space ship.  Materials that could only be found here in Oasis Landing.  This trip to the future was less thrilling then the trip Adam had made as a child.  This time no matter what he was doing or where he was, he always felt like someone was watching him.  He wanted to believe it was just his imagination but he was uneasy with what his father had told him about the watchers and Logan. He wasn't safe here and neither was his son.  To be on the safe side they never left the house without bringing a dragon along with them.  With the dragons natural cloaking ability their activities were relatively private except for the people who recognized them and reported their comings and goings to the watchers.

Early one morning Adam found Beverly eating breakfast alone in the kitchen.  Looking around, apprehension creasing his forehead "where are the kids?"

Glancing up Beverly smiled "outside." She took a bite of cereal as she watched Adam look out the window.

Adam felt tension melt as his shoulders relaxed as he watched Heath playing with his sister.  "Do you mind finishing your breakfast poolside while I dress?" Adam asked.

Shrugging Beverly looked up "I guess but why?"

"I just don't think it's a good idea for the kids to play so close to the pool without supervision," uneasiness clear in his voice.

"What's wrong?" she asked picking up on his apprehension.

Shrugging "probably nothing.  I just have a bad feeling that somethings going to happen."

He sounds like my dad  she thought as got up to move to the table outside.  Maybe these premonitions were a side effect of being abducted.  Shrill screams cut off her line of thought.

"Dad, dad come quick!" Heath screamed as he splashed into the pool trying to reach his sister.

Panic knifed through Adam as he ran outside. Crying in anguish as he saw Irissa lying at the bottom of the pool, Adam jumped in to the pool without a second thought.  He reached Heath first pushing him up towards the surface Adam continued swimming towards Irissa.

Grabbing her he expected to pull her up with ease.  Instead she dragged him down with her.  What the...? Lungs burning he tried again to left her without success.  Refusing to give up he strained to find what was weighting her down. Her hand was stuck in the drain.  Frantically Adam tried to pull her hand free as time ran out.  His vision was dimming as his oxygen deprived lungs were aching.  It took all his concentration not to give in to the urge to breathe.

Movement to his right made him jerk. He pointed towards the drain as Beverly motioned for him to go up.  Shaking his head he resumed his struggle to free his daughter.  He felt rather than saw Beverly add her strength to his as he pulled.  Pulling together, Irissa's hand became free of the drain.

Beverly grabbed her and swam to the surface. Adam watched as if through a tunnel until he became aware of small hands grabbing at him.  His face broke the surface of the water, gasping for air as he coughed and choked on water.  Again he felt the tug of small hands steering towards the edge of the pool.  Heath?  "I'm okay," he gasped.  Feebly he tried to swim towards the ladder.  Vision dim he blindly swam in the direction his son directed him.  

"Heath?" his voice hoarse from coughing.

"Yes Dad," Heath spoke in his ear.

"How's your sister?" Adam bumped into the ladder with his shoulder.  Grabbing hold of it he wrapped his arms around hit in an attempt to rest without slipping down into the water.  Closing his eyes as he struggled to fill his lungs with oxygen.  Opening his eyes he found Heath staring at him with wide fear filled eyes.  "How is she?" he repeated.

Shaking Heath said "I don't know."

Mustering what little strength he had he pulled his numb body up and out of the pool.  Falling, he tried to walk but found his legs wouldn't support his weight.  He dragged himself over to where Beverly was administering CPR on Irissa.  "Is she ..." voice cracking as he watched his unresponsive daughter.  "Come on baby breathe," Adam mumbled "come on breathe for daddy."

A low moan and sigh reached his ears as he Irissa took her first breath.  Sitting back on her heal, Beverly wrapped her arms around herself crying "oh thank god."

Irissa gasped and sputtered as water come from her nose and mouth. As she began to scream it was music to Adam's ears.  He reached out trembling arms and held his daughter "it's alright baby girl, daddy's here."

"Dad I'm sorry," Heath stood back hanging his head.  "I didn't mean to .... I'm sorry."

Reaching out his hand Adam pulled Heath close.  "Son I don't know what you're talking about.  At the moment I'm just thankful you're both alright."

Beverly inched away from them afraid of disrupting them.  How could she have been so stupid as to leave them alone by a pool.  This was all her fault.  Shaking she went to call for an ambulance.

Several minutes later the doorbell rang.  Beverly went to let the EMT's into the house and showed them to the pool.  Adam looked up "what are they doing here?"

"They're here to check you guys out." Beverly explained hoping she hadn't overstepped her bounds.  Nodding Adam when back to soothing his children.

"Mr. Van Winkle your daughter seems to be ok.  We should take her in just to be safe but she should be alright."

Reassured by the Paramedics words Adam tried to stand but found he couldn't move his legs.  "Sir are you alright?" the paramedic asked "how long were you without oxygen?"

Shrugging "I don't know.  I was too preoccupied with freeing my daughter to notice."  His legs were beginning to tingle as a slow burning sensation began.  It was the same sensation he had when his legs began to wake up on the alien ship. 
"Sir we better take you in as well."  Nodding Adam allowed them to lift him up onto a stretcher.  He reached out and grabbed Beverly's hand "take care of Heath for me?"

She nodded biting her lip as they wheeled Adam out.   She grabbed Heath's arm as he attempted to follow the paramedics.  "Let me go," he yelled struggling to get free "it's my fault they got hurt."

Swinging him around to face her "it's not your fault."

"It is.  I pushed Irissa." Heath cried "I didn't mean for to fall into the pool.  I just wanted her to stop bugging me.  I told her to stop but she wouldn't."  He started to sob harder gulping for air, "now dad's hurt because of me.  I'm just like Windy, bad."  He tried to run away but Beverly held him tight. Struggling in her arms, Beverly let him release his pent up anger and fear.  When he calmed a little Beverly lifted his chin up to peer into his face.

"No matter what you think, it's not your fault." She held him fast as he tried to bolt from her grasp. 
"Did you mean to push Irissa into the pool?" A slight shake of the head was her response.  "Did you know Irissa was so close to the pool when you pushed her?" another shake of the head "Did you cause her to get stuck in the drain?"

Shaking his head Heath looked up with a tear streaked face "but my dad .... he's hurt," choking on sobs "what if he hates me for what I did?"

"Shh Heath honey don't think like that" she soothed "your dad loves you."

"I don't see how," Heath mumbled "I look like her.  Now I'm acting like her.  Hurting people I'm supposed to love.  I'm a bad person."

Without thinking Beverly wrapped her arms around the distraught child pulling him close.  "No your not," she mumbled into his hair.  Heart breaking she had visions of her brother Gene.  She would do anything to spare this child the debilitating self loathing her brother went through growing up.  When his sobs ceased she felt his arms wrap around her and heard him mumble "thank you."

Lifting his head up she smiled into his grief filled eyes." Do you feel better?" A slight lift of the shoulders was his only reply. Cupping his face in her hands "would you like to see how your dad and sister are doing?"  Heath nodded looking away. "Come on let's change out of these wet things.  Then we'll go the hospital."

On impulse Heath grabbed her hand as she turned to leave.  The light tug had her turning and smiling at him.  "Trust me everything is going to be alright." she continued to walk into the house, Heath following alongside clinging to her hand.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Generation 2, Chapter 28 - First Impressions

It was early, much too early for anyone to be ringing his door bell. Adam grabbed his robe, shoving his arms into as he stomped down the stairs muttering. Swinging the door open he growled "what do you want?"

A young red haired, green eyed girl stumbled backwards away from the door. She appeared to be frightened at the harsh almost angry response she received to her early arrival. Mustering her courage she lifted her chin and gazed up at the handsome young man standing in the doorway. His frown lifted and disappeared as they stared at each other. "I'm sorry," she mumbled "I hadn't realized it was so early."

Smiling faintly Adam stretched out his hand, when she took it he asked "can I help you?" He looked past her towards the road then back at her "did your car break down or something?"

Shaking her head "no I ... I came in a taxi," she bit her lip at a loss for words. Sighing she could see this was a mistake just showing up unannounced. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her and on impulse she decided to meet the family she would be living with in Oasis Landing. As her thoughts drifted, she realized she was still holding his hand, dropping it like it was a hot potato she noticed the slight frown that flashed across the his face. "Where are my manners?" she laughed self-consciously "I'm Beverly, Beverly Bennett." Looking past Adam's shoulder into the house beyond she continued "I was told a Mr. Van Winkle lived here."

The man smirked "I'm Adam Van Winkle," he stood aside asking "would you like to come in?"

Nodding Beverly stepped past him and into the foyer. Looking around her then back at Adam she felt butterflies fluttering inside as she realized her assumption of the man she would be living with was all wrong.  He was much younger than she had imagined and better looking. "I really am sorry for coming so early. I've heard so much about you from my dad and brother.  I just wanted to meet you before we were stuck in the same house together." She struggled to maintain a nonchalant attitude while she withered away from embarrassment inside.

"You're the girl?" Adam stammered unable to hide his astonishment. "Robert mentioned he had a sister into technology and robotics I just didn't put two and two together." His voice faded as he looked down at his feet then glanced over at Beverly fiddling with his robe tie wishing he had taken the time to get dressed. Cinching his robe closed he muttered "I'm sorry for being so rude before when I answered the door."

"It's ok you weren't expecting me," she murmured "I should have called first."

Motioning towards the living room "come in have a seat," Adam offered. "Would you like something to eat? Drink?"

"Water please."

Nodding Adam went on his errand, shaking his head wondering how he hadn't pieced it together. It was a relief to know the girl would be someone he knew, however remotely. Carrying the water back he smiled noticing for the first time how pretty she was, feeling that maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all. Handing her the water he asked "How is Robert? I haven't heard from him in a while."

Her eyes welled up as she replied "he and his family disappeared a couple months ago and nobody knows where they are."

Sitting beside her he put an arm around her "I'm sorry I didn't know." He was silent allowing her time to compose herself.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled sitting up scooting away putting distance between herself and Adam. "We hardly know each other. You must think I'm an emotional wreck for dumping this on you."

Shaking his head he softly responded "no I see someone who cares deeply for the welfare of her brother." Getting up "I should go get dressed. Make yourself at home."

Absently she nodded as she watched him leave. What was she doing here? The simple answer, she was curious but if she admitted it to herself she just wanted to get away. Away from the stresses of being at home, where the void Robert left in the family was unavoidable and palatable. She loved her brother but she couldn't sit around and wait for him to come home or for word on his whereabouts. What if he never came home? What if they were already dead? Shaking the thoughts away she remembered how her dad had tried to convince her not to come here. She understood that he was having trouble coping and didn't want another child beyond his reach. As much as his distress saddened her she had to get on with her life.

She was so deep in thought she didn't notice the little boy who had come into the living room until his voice intruded upon her thoughts "are you alright?" Heart skipping a beat she looked into the concerned face of a little boy with blue eyes and hair. "I could go get my dad. He could help you."

"No I'm alright," she smiled at him "I'm Beverly."

He scrunched up his face as if he didn't believe she was ok "I'm Heath," waving his hand as Adam entered the room "and that's my Dad."

Looking from Heath to Adam and the little girl in his arms Beverly asked "are these your kids?"

"Yes," Adam said putting Irissa down. "Didn't Robert tell you? He and I spent a lot of time together aboard the alien ship. His little girl is just about the same age as mine; although Irissa is a little older since she was a preemie."

"Daddy do you know this lady?" Heath interrupted with a note of apprehension in his voice.

Kneeling Adam asked "do you remember Robert and William?" Heath nodded "well this is Robert's sister Beverly. She's going to live with us while we're in Oasis Landing."

Beverly observed how father and son interacted and she liked what she saw. Adam took the time to reassure his son despite the abundance of questions that Heath shot at him, never once losing his patience. She watched as Heath smiled seeming to be satisfied that she was there to help them. Heath went over to his sister and started to play with her but Beverly could tell he was listening to the conversation that she and Adam were having.

"Not many parents are as open minded as you to allow their child to color their hair at such a young age," Beverly noted playfully after watching Heath a while.

"It's not colored," Heath announced, confirming that he was indeed listening "it's real."

"It can't be," Beverly laughed thinking he was joking.

Indignant putting hands on hips Heath repeated "It is real. Just ask daddy. I was born with blue hair." Turning to Adam he demanded "tell her it's real because Windy was an imaginary friend and she had blue hair."

Confusion overwhelmed her as she looked from father and son. Turning towards Heath she tried to reason "imaginary friends don't exist..."

"They do," Heath narrowed his eyes at her "I bet you had one but didn't know how to make her real."

Nodding her head "I had one when I was little. I still have that old doll somewhere. But that's all it was, a doll." She turned concerned eyes to Adam hoping he would jump in and correct his son.

Adam smiled slightly "my son's right. There's a formula you can use to turn the doll as you call it real." Shrugging Adam looked away "I discovered the formula while I was working on my chemistry set. I used it on my imaginary friend, I half expected it not to work but it did. My son is half IF and he inherited his mother's blue hair."

"Where is his mother now?" Beverly asked still trying to wrap her mind around this. Why was it so difficult to believe? Really it wasn't not compared with alien abductions and men having babies.

Before Adam was able to reply Heath answered "Windy is a bad lady and the dragons won't let her come here and hurt us."

"Dragons?" Beverly asked feeling like she had fallen down the rabbit hole and traded places with Alice.

Rolling is his eyes at her "Dad you're gonna have to show her."

Smiling Adam enjoyed how well Heath seemed to be warming up to their guest. Normally he would ignore the few women that Adam had ever brought home. "I think your right. Which one should I show her?"

Looking over at Beverly sitting on the couch "the purple one." Heath grinned "she's a girl and will think it's pretty or something lame like that."

Bringing a hand to her mouth to muffle the laughter that threatened to bubble out, Beverly's eyes sparkled. She could watch this father and son pair all day and was half embarrassed to admit to herself how easily she could fall in love with them. After Adam left on his errand to find the purple dragon, Beverly slipped from the couch and joined the children on the floor. Glancing up, Heath nodded towards her acknowledging her presence. Irissa inched closer pulling her hair "pretty."


"Ouch" Beverly mumbled trying to untangle her fingers from her hair. Despite his attempts to refrain from laughing Heath snorted with enjoyment. Ignoring him Beverly set Irissa in her lap "you're going to be a real beauty when you grow up. A real heart breaker like your big brother."

Snorting again Heath retorted "am not. Girls are way too much trouble."

Winking at him "oh you'll change your mind. Wait and see."

"No I won't," Heath shook his head despite the fact he enjoyed being teased by her.

Undaunted by his response, Beverly reached over and wrestled him to the floor tickling him. Squealing in delight Irissa joined her high pitched giggles with that of her brothers.

Stopping in the archway holding the purple dragon, Adam silently watched.  He realized how much his children were missing by not having a mother. He had tried to be as good a father as circumstances had allowed but at this moment he felt the void in his children's lives acutely. Once again he felt like the outsider looking in on the life he wished he had.



Sunday, January 11, 2015

Generation 2, Chapter 27 - Close Call


While they were talking an alarm started going off. Emit scowled at the time almanac. His frown deepened as he turned to Peter "you need to leave, now. Logan has alerted the watchers to your presence. They've started searching for you."

"I thought you said this was a safe house," Peter objected getting to his feet. There were so many more questions he needed answers to.

"It is but that doesn't mean they won't do a house to house search," Emit let out an agitated sigh "process of elimination will bring them here."

"Shit I didn't think of that," Peter looked around the room then back at Emit. "How do I get back to the portal without them catching me?

Emit stared at him for a moment not sure what he was asking "oh, oh there's a portal here. Use it, it's safer and use this code to program the portal on the other end to bring Adam directly here instead of to the portal at my place."

Taking the code Peter followed Emit to the portal hidden within the safe house. Turning to Emit he asked "you'll watch out for Adam?"

Nodding Emit agreed then on impulse shoved the time almanac into Peter's hand "take this. I have an extra one. This will alert you to any time shifts, like I disappear for instance. It'll help you figure out what changed and needs to be done to correct it." Emit took a few extra minutes to explain the device relying upon Peter's enhanced brain to figure it out. "You're the only person I trust. Don't lose it or tell anyone you have it."

Staring at the device in his hand, Peter nodded. Before stepping into the portal he put the almanac in his inside jacket pocket. "You can count on me," he said stepping into the portal.

"I hope so," Emit mumbled as Peter disappeared.


Stepping out of the portal Peter felt the enormity of his task and the weight of the future laid heavily on his shoulders. How was he going to convince Adam to move? Dragon Valley was so far away, he may never see them again. What choice did he or any of them have? He's seen it for himself, the timeline the almanac showed him if Adam stayed here was everything Emit said it would be.



A couple months later Peter was at work when he received a letter in his mail. Picking it up he turned it over in his hands wondering who had sent it. There was no return address or post mark on it, no way of knowing from whom or where it had come from. Sighing he laid it unopened on the desk. Something about it had him worried. What if it contained an air borne pathogen? Not very likely but still a possibility. He had a bad feeling about it.

Standing indecisively he rubbed his chin. Maybe he was over reacting, jumping to the wrong conclusion. Ever since Emit had given him the time almanac he's felt like was a walking target. Flexing his fingers, coming to a decision he picked up the envelope watching it shake as he put it into his pocket. Breathing deeply he sought for calm as he left his office.

Entering the mailroom he asked if anyone had seen who had dropped off the envelope in his mailbox. He knew it was a long shot expecting anyone to remember but he had to ask. Everyone shook their heads no, eying him as if he had gone off his rocker. Feeling the same, Peter left wondering what next. There had to be protocols to screen mail for security risks. Stopping in his tracks he retraced his steps, going back into the mail room and into the supervisors office.

"Mr. McNeal I'm Peter Van Winkle," introduced himself to the older man.

"What can I do for you?" the man asked getting up and walking around his desk to shake Peter's hand.

"I received an unaddressed envelope in my mailbox," Peter explained "I was wondering what your protocols are in handling these situations."

Rubbing his chin Mr. McNeal thought for a moment "do you have the envelope with you Mr. Van Winkle?"

Nodding Peter took the envelope from this pocket and handed it to him. Turning it over Mr. McNeal muttered "this should never have been delivered to you. Protocol is to destroy all such letters." Grimly the man walked out of his office to address his department. Peter was somewhat sorry for whoever it was that messed up and delivered the letter to him.

A few minutes later Mr. McNeal returned followed by a young man. "Now explain to me how you let this happen?" Mr. McNeal growled. Peter could hear the anger bubbling just beneath the surface.

The young man looked up flinching at the menacing face of his superior, muttering "he paid me five hundred dollars to deliver the letter to Mr. Van Winkle." Looking up again, turning towards Peter "he said it would be alright, that you would know what it was. I didn't think anything of it since he used to work for you."

"You knew him?" Peter asked pouncing on the boys words. "Who was he?"

His excitement startled the young man as his eyes skipped from object to object in the room finally coming to rest on Peter "Ch ... Chase Mmmmars" he stammered.

"You're fired," Mr. McNeal yelled not letting the boy continue. "I advised everyone that we were not to deliver any packages from Mr. Mars under any circumstances after he was dismissed from the premises. Why didn't you report Mr. Mars presence?"

"But ... but ..." the boy stammered "I forgot." He turned entreating his former boss "Mr. McNeal please I need this job."

"You should have thought of that before excepting bribes to deliver packages," Mr. McNeal responded back unrelenting.

Watching the exchange between them, Peter felt like a spectator. Clearing his throat "thank you Mr. McNeal for looking into this for me." Turning towards the young man "I'm sorry but thank you for coming forward." He felt bad for the boy and his obvious distress over losing his job but what did he expect would happen?

"We'll have the letter destroyed," Mr. McNeal stated as he opened the door to let Peter pass through it.

Peter scooted through it hesitating outside the door undecided to ask for the letter back, curious now as to what was in it. Standing outside the door he heard McNeal say "you idiot. What happened to the address label I gave you?" The boys response was too low for Peter to make out. Then he heard McNeal continue "what possessed you to mention Chase Mars? Now he'll be on guard and it will be twice as hard next time."

The door knob turned as Peter stood rooted outside the door. He quickly ducked behind a stack of mail bags. As the door opened Mr. McNeal's voice carried to him "take this and destroy it. I'll advise Chase of your failure." Heart pounding Peter watched as the boy incinerated the envelope. Sighing he realized there was no way to know what was in it now. He slipped out of the mail room while the boys back was turned.

Racing back to his office Peter called Jean to meet him there. If they were after him it was a sure bet everyone related to him was now potential targets. Opening his office door he found Jean already there waiting for him.

"What's up?" she asked standing as he closed the door.

Explaining the day's events and what he overheard, Peter rubbed his chin half expecting her to tell him he was overreacting. Her silence lingered as she absorbed what he was telling her. Clearing her throat "why is this happening? What haven't you told me?" she voice rising as panic started to rise within her.

Sighing once he knew he was trapped. He had no choice but to tell her everything. Opening his mouth he closed it without speaking at a loss for words. Sitting on the corner of his desk he came to a decision to tell her everything from the beginning from when he went to the future.

Jean remained silent, listening to every detail Peter provided about his experience in Oasis Landing. When he was finished she leaned towards him asking "you think we should move don't you?"

Surprised by her question Peter nodded "I do, especially after what happened today." Peter shuddered to think what might have happened if he had opened the envelope. What if next time he wasn't so lucky? What if the watchers decide that the aliens were an acceptable annoyance and decided to get rid of him? Was stopping Emit from correcting the timeline more important? Should he confide in Jean that he had the time almanac? Something he had omitted to tell her. Did the watchers find out he had it?

Coming up behind him Jean wrapped her arms around him " is there anyway we can contact Emit?"

Turning towards her he put his hands around her beloved face "I don't know if it'd be safe. What if Logan intercepts the transmission? We could be putting ourselves and Emit into even more danger."

Looking down Jean sighed "I suppose you're right. What about the children? Someone could take them .... I don't .... oh god I can't live through that again." She shivered as she thought about the danger the girls could be in.

Taking her in his arms he held her as her body shook convulsively. "We have to move but where?" she mumbled against his shoulder. Taking a deep breath she strove to get a grip on her emotions. Pulling back she looked up at Peter and smiled "why can't we move to Dragon Valley too? Didn't you say that was a blind spot to these watchers?"

"I did," Peter confirmed holding Jean tight drawing strength from her. "It's a little backwards from what we're used to but Adam and the kids are adjusting well." Peter chuckled recalling the email he received from Heath describing how he found dragon eggs in the park. "Evidently Emit wasn't lying about there being actual dragons there. Adam and Heath have found at least three eggs and hatched them. They're on the look out to find the elusive red dragon egg. I would love to have a chance to see one."

"and to study one up close," Jean smiled knowingly at him hearing his enthusiasm to learn something new.

"Did I tell you Adam got a job at the science lab?" Peter asked. Seeing her shake her head Peter moved to his computer to pull up Adam's email. "I must have forgot. Did I show you the pictures he sent?" Again she shook her head, following him around his desk and leaning over his shoulder to view the computer screen.

"Are those the dragons?" she asked bemused, "they're so little. I thought they'd be ... I don't know bigger."

"Yeah Adam said Heath was disappointed when he found out they were so small." He looked up at Jean laughing "Heath was hoping that they'd be as big as a dinosaur."

"Well that's what I was kind of imagining myself," Jean admitted.

Scrolling through the email Peter asked "did I show you the family picture Adam sent of the three of them?"

Smacking his shoulder, Jean laughed "no you silly goose you didn't. I don't think you showed me this email at all."

Peter felt his face grow hot "sorry I guess I've been distracted."

"You're forgiven," she said kissing the top of his head. "Oh is that it? They look so happy and it's so pretty. Was that taken in Dragon Valley?"

"I believe Adam said they took the picture in their front yard."

"Well I'm sold. When do we move?"

"As soon as I arrange a transfer to Dragon Valley. What do you think my chances are of them wanting a top level scientist in their lab?"

Sitting on his lap she smiled at him "very high I think; especially since they're parent lab is Bridgeport. Maybe you'll have an opportunity to work with your father."

Stiffening at the mention of his father "Jean I told you before I don't want anything to do with him. Not after everything that happened. It was his fault that Vallari was as bad as she was." Getting up Peter paced around his desk.

Crossing her arms "I know your upset but that's not really how you feel. If it was you wouldn't have named our last child after him."

Turning he stared blankly into outer space "I just don't understand how he could have been so heartless and cruel."

"Peter is it so hard to imagine your father was a different man then?" Jean came up and stepped in front of him. "He's getting old. He needs to know you forgive him."

"What if I can't?" He asked looking down at the floor. "I'd move heaven and earth to help my kids if I could. I don't see how he could just walk away from someone he helped raise for five years just because she didn't share his DNA."

Jean put her hand over his mouth to silence him. "This is the same man who disowned you for destroying his research, remember? Why is it so hard for you to imagine he could walk away from a child that wasn't his? From the woman who had lied to him?" Keeping her hand in place she continued "he's a lonely old man who has had years to regret the past. He misses you."

Hanging his head Peter drew her close to him breathing in her fresh clean scent. Memories of his mother's funeral floated to his mind. He remembered the lost, haunted look his father had throughout. Losing his mother had been difficult but he couldn't imagine how his father felt losing his wife. "Maybe I have been too harsh and unforgiving. Dragon Valley is only a couple of hours from Bridgeport, we'll have to visit him more often when we move."

"Good," Jean kissed him before adding "maybe you'll even consider the job offer at Bridgeport Labs? They'd love to have you as their consultant, even if it is just a of couple days out of the month."

"I'll think about it now that we'll be closer. I just haven't felt comfortable leaving you and the kids alone."