Monday, September 19, 2016

4.15 On The Edge

"Emit how could you let this happen?"

Turning from the window Emit scowled at the woman who dared enter his home without permission . "Have a nice nap?" he growled at her turning his back on her.

"I have many responsibilities" she yawned theatrically as she approached him at the window "I will not tolerate your insolence." Her eyes sparked with emotion as she took in the barren landscape "this would not have happened if you had listened to me."

He shuddered rubbing his hands along his arms as if he were chilled "I couldn't." Meeting her gaze he drew in a deep breath bracing himself "I found another way."

Smirking she let her gaze sweep over the desolate terrain that was once Oasis Landing "this" she waved her hands at the view "is preferable to sacrificing your happiness."

"They're my grandchildren," he surprised even himself with how much of a plea that statement came out as. "I couldn't send them to another dimension."

"They shouldn't even exist," she snapped at him "there presence disrupts the dimension."

"There has to be another way..." he mumbled unwilling to acknowledge the truth of her words.

"I gave you what little options we had," she gave him a piercing glare "they were born to be timekeepers. They could have helped balance another dimension by filling that role. Instead you went against my orders further sliding this dimension towards annihilation."

"I've done everything you've ever asked of me," he shouted "just give me this one thing. That's all I ask."

Sighing she crossed her arms refusing to meet his pleading eyes. She wasn't immune to his feelings. If she let herself she could be persuaded to give in but could she doom the entire world for one man? Nodding towards the window "this one thing costs too much. Look at the consequences. Emit if there was another way I would let you keep your family intact. This is the best I could do without eliminating them altogether from this dimension."

Emits eyes turned toward the window chest heaving as his eyes took in the emptiness where once a bustling city teeming with life once stood. "They're just kids. They're not ready for the responsibility of being time keepers."

"I make those decisions," she snapped "because of your lapse of judgment this dimension is on the edge of falling."

Swallowing the gnawing fear clutching his heart. He knew when he had decided to send Peter instead of his granddaughters to the other dimension that there would be repercussions. He just hadn't realized how close to the edge this dimension was to crumbling to dust.


"Dad what are we going to do?" Keenan whispered as he helped Adam up from the floor where he had fallen after Silver left.

Shuddering Adam shook his head. Mind reeling over what Silver had just told him. Bonded? He felt the truth of Silver's words within his body. The way it responded to that vile creatures touch. Even as his mind recoiled from it his body craved it. "I think I'm going to be sick," he mumbled swallowing multiple times to keep the bile down.

Grabbing his dad's arm Keenan helped him into a small connected bathroom. He stood outside the door listening to his dad empty his stomach contents. Nibbling on his bottom lip Keenan knew this was all his fault. If only he had listened and kept his existence blocked from Silver. He only wanted to help keep Heath from falling into Silver's clutches again. Albeit his curiosity did play a role in his decision. He needed to see for himself what Silver was like not that he didn't believe the things he had been told. He had felt the truth deep within him. He had needed to confront the other half of his DNA. Form his own opinion. Adam was the only father he needed. He was the best person he knew and now thanks to what he had done Silver was going to beat him into submission. Hanging his head "I'm sorry" he mumbled turning away.

Splashing water on his face Adam reached a trembling hand out pulling Keenan close "it's not your fault."

"It is," shaking his head struggling to break his father's hold on him "if it weren't for me you wouldn't be bonded to him."

Squeezing his son Adam felt the boys shoulders shudder "that's not your fault. You're my son. There's not a day I regret having you. It's both our bad luck that Silver is what he is." What exactly that creature is he didn't know. He doubted he was what he had told Ambrogio all those years ago. Adam wondered if the bonding process was one sided. Don's ancestors descended down from Silver. Had that child been Ambrogio's? He was beginning to wonder if that was a lie intended to make Ambrogio willing to do Silver's bidding. 

Ambrogio wasn't bonded to Silver. Adam could feel the truth of that within himself. He had never been attracted to a man before. He had always been faithful to his wife. Beverly's beautiful green eyes and red/gold hair flashed before his eyes. That's what makes this situation that much worse. He loved his wife yet his body reacted to Silver in away he wasn't sure he could control.

"Dad" Keenan moved in his father's arms "it's not your fault either. Mom knows you love her and wouldn't do anything intentionally to hurt her."

"Are you reading my mind?" Adam said it more as a joke. 

Keenan shook his head in response "I don't need to. I know you feel bad about what happened." Keenan looked up into his eyes "you don't have to. It's just going to make it harder to resist Silver." He smiled up at his dad "I know you can do it dad."

The boy's confidence brought a smile to his own lips. "I hope you're right," Adam said wishing he had the boys confidence.

"I am," Keenan asserted "your the strongest person I know." Keenan didn't add that he would bolster his dad's reserves. Help him fight Silver so he could resist. 


Grabbing Don's arm Everett marched him towards where he and Adam had stashed the bikes. "Can you ride?" he asked.

"Yeah" Don gave the bikes and Everett a dubious look "it's been a while though."

Holding his arms out "give him to me" he ordered reaching for Malachi. 

Don hesitated eyeing the young man before him "how do I know we can trust you?"

"Other than the fact Adam trusted me enough to bring him into my dimension" Everett shrugged "I don't know what to tell you."

Glancing over his shoulder Don considered his words. Sighing "I don't have a lot of choice do I?"

"Not really" Everett agreed taking Malachi from him. He suddenly felt old having what appeared to be a teen and a toddler looking to him for help. He had gotten used to relying upon Adam in the short time he had been with the Van Winkles.

"Where are we?" Don asked riding beside him.

"Lunar Lakes," Everett replied riding on in silence. It was strange that Kimberly's dad had the appearance of a sixteen year old kid. Worse yet he had her boyfriend on his shoulders. He tried to squelch the hope that rose unbidden in his heart that Malachi's condition would be permanent. They were still from different dimensions. He couldn't see how they could be together if they didn't live in the same world.

Stopping in front of his home Everett parked his bike. Don followed asking "how are we going to get home from here?"

Panic flitted across Everett's face making the scar upon his face pulse. "Damn" the word exploded from his mouth "I didn't think of that. It was always assumed Adam would be here to operate the dimension portal."

"Don't you know how?" Don asked heart falling as he wondered if he and Malachi were ever going to go home.

"We never considered the possibility that Adam wouldn't be with us. I gathered from everything that Silver was more interested in Heath than in Adam." Everett was pacing thinking out loud "I'm not any good with gadgets. Lincoln operated the portal when we went to your dimension."

As the first drops of rain began to fall Don sighed. "We better get inside before we get soaked and die of pneumonia." Glumly Everett nodded leading the way into his house. This wasn't the rescue either of them imagined


Peter stepped out of the time portal. His eyes drawn to the city of Oasis Landing. Sighing in relief that in this dimension it still existed. It was strangely devoid of all noises he would normally associate with a bustling city. It felt empty.

Moving away from the portal Peter entered Emits house. It too felt strange and wrong to be walking through the silent building like he was the only person alive. A thick layer of dust covered everything. No one had lived here in a long time. Peter knew this Emit had died almost a hundred years ago. It was an eerie feeling mourning a man he had never even met. Shaking his head Peter dismissed the gloomy thoughts.

He had things to do. On the top of his list was finding his son. He entered the control room scanning the machines. He had spent countless hours in a room similar to this one with his Emit in his dimension. He had thought Emit was his friend. He was wrong. Emit was using him. Manipulating him to do his bidding. Peter's fingers curled into fists. If Emit had walked into that room at that moment Peter would have given him a knuckle sandwich. He flipped a few switches, sighing in relief as everything appeared to be functioning as it should.

"You're not supposed to be here," a man's voice startled him.

Turning Peter faced his unexpected visitor "don't I know it," he mumbled under his breath. He found himself facing a young man with flaming red hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a pleasant demeanor that hid his intentions.

"Why are you here?" the man asked.

Shrugging Peter crossed his arms before replying "Emit Relevart from Dimension 1324XZAD sent me."

Eyes widening a little the man nodded rubbing his chin "you're not who I was expecting."

This time it was Peter's turn to ask "who were you expecting?"

"Two young girls," the man grunted in response "since you seem to know what you're doing I'll leave you to it."

"Wait why am I here?" Peter asked but the man had already vanished leaving Peter to wonder what just happened. "Strange" he muttered to himself dismissing it as a dimensional difference.

Turning his attention back to what he had been doing before he had been interrupted. Frowning Peter muttered "he should be here." He flipped a few more switches searching. His concern mounting running his hands through his hair. Adam was nowhere to be found. Mumbling to himself "Everett better have a good explanation for my son's disappearance." For his sake Peter hoped the boy wasn't involved.


"Dad," touching his arm Kimberly stopped him from entering the house "what are we going to tell grandma?"

Turning to his daughter, her face a mirror of his sadness and worry, he said "the truth." Looking up to the house "it will do no good trying to hide it from her. It may be some time before we find Keenan."

"She's going to be upset," she worried her bottom lip "what if we never find him?"

"Anything is possible," he agreed putting his hands on her shoulder "but we won't give up hope."

"I suppose," she mumbled eyes filling with tears "will we ever be free from Silver and his harassment?"

"I hope so," he pulled her close "I really really hope so."

Sniffling Kimberly moved from her fathers arms "we better go tell grandma."

Sighing Heath  took her hand "you don't have to come with me. I'll tell her."

She glanced at the house than at her father's worried face "no that's ok. I'll come."


"I'll sleep on the couch if you and Malachi want to take the bed," Everett offered setting Malachi down in the room.

"Where are we?" he asked looking up at the stranger.

Scratching his head Everett found it difficult to accept this toddler was really an eighteen year old college student. It was surreal to say the least. "You're in Lunar Lakes." Turning to Don he smiled "we think this is the place Silver has used to create what you thought of as bubble universes. We knew some sort of experiments were taking place there. Most citizens are too afraid to go near the place."

"I don't think I've ever heard of Lunar Lakes before" Don rubbed his chin deep in thought. He had vague recollections of his parents discussing a failed expedition to another planet. Could this be it?" 

"This is actually a parallel dimension to yours. Where your Lunar Lakes expedition failed our succeeded." Everett shrugged "there are other differences but it's a bit late to go into them right now."

Don nodded but there was one more thing he needed to ask "did you see my husband? My children? How are they?"

Everett knew he would ask. It was only reasonable for him to do so. He expected it. What he didn't expect was the pang of regret he would feel. "Yes sir they're all safe in Moonlight Falls." He tried to keep his eyes focused on Don but they strayed towards Malachi. The stricken pain filled eyes tore at his heart reigniting the guilt he felt. He should never have let himself develop feelings for Kimberly, a girl he knew wasn't available. Despite that he found himself wondering what his chances were if Malachi couldn't be returned to his normal state.

A noise from outside the house saved him from having to reflect too deeply on his feelings. He ran 
towards the stairs followed closely by Don. Rounding the corner of the house Everett pulled up sharp gasping "Peter?" as a man stepped out of the time portal.

"Everett you better have a damn good reason why my son isn't here with you." Peter's angry voice was shocking even to Don as he ran up beside Everett.

"It wasn't his fault," Don said recovering first.

Eyes snapping to the boy. With shock Peter realized who the boy was. He had expected a man in his mid thirties instead he was staring at a sixteen year old kid. "Don is that you?" his voice was low stunned.

"It's me sir," gesturing to Everett he sighed "he didn't have anything to do with Adam's disappearance. It was Silver. Silver took him."

"What does he want with Adam?" Peter asked "did you tell Silver about Keenan?"

Cringing at the unexpected accusation Don shook his head. "I never told him anything. I never saw Silver all the time I was trapped."

"Sorry son," Peter put a reassuring hand on the boys shoulder "I'm just trying to make sense of all of this. We'll get him back." Turning to Everett "I'm sorry."

"It's ok" Everett mumbled "it was to be expected I guess."

Something in the boys demeanor caught at Peter's heart. "Son you shouldn't expect people to think the worst of you. That's never acceptable."

"Um" he looked away overwhelmed by the concern emanating from the older man. Maybe he had gotten too jaded by the way people treated him after his parents died and his face was scarred for life. He could see it in their eyes, the pity, the disgust, the fear. Seldom had he found acceptance for his deformity.

"Don why don't you go inside and get some rest," Peter suggested as they moved inside the house "there's some things I need to discuss with Everett."

Reluctantly Don nodded feeling very much out of the loop and being treated like a child.


Beverly met them at the door "have you seen Keenan?" she asked fear brightening her eyes.

"Mom" Heath's voice was deep as he took her by the arm and escorted her into the living room "we need to talk."

Shaking Beverly let him pull her into the living room. "What happened?" she cried "where's my 

"Grandma you should sit," Kimberly suggested concerned for the older woman's welfare.

"No I will not sit down," she shouted "not until someone tells me what happened?"

"Mom please," Heath attempted only to be shot down by the withering glare she gave him. "I'm sorry. Silver took him."

Blinking she sank onto the nearest couch breath catching in her throat "how? Silver didn't know about him..." words dribbled out of her mouth in incomprehension. "We have to find him," she cried grabbing Heath digging her fingers into his forearm.

"Mom" Heath shook his head "we don't know where to look. Silver could have taken him anywhere."

"He wouldn't be in this predicament if it weren't for you," she cried.

"Grandma that's not true," Kimberly protested "we didn't know Keenan was following us."

Turning towards the girl Beverly crumpled into herself sobbing. Keenan wasn't her biological child but she loved him just the same. She felt Heath wrap his arms around her, offering her what comfort he could. How much longer would Adam put up with her putting his children in danger. First she almost killed Heath now she let Keenan fall into the evil clutches of Silver. Guilt twisted her insides tearing her up.


Phoenix waited for Quinn at their rendezvous site. "Your late," he growled upon sight of her.

"You're early," she retorted with a smirk. She sidled up to him giving his pouty lips a long sensuous kiss. 

He pushed her away from him with effort "you know we shouldn't..."

"Why because the counsel might catch us?" she gave him a pitying look "they haven't noticed our dimensions falling around our ears. Why would they bother with us?"

"It's a distraction we don't need," he looked away from her enticing eyes "we need to focus on fixing what went wrong in our dimensions." He ran a hand through his long red hair "if you dimension falls so will mine." The thought of that happening sent an unexpected pang in his heart. He had grown to care for the people that he was in charge of. Quinn was a good distraction but one he didn't need not if it meant millions of people would lose their lives. Looking at her he tried another tactic "if your dimension is reset we won't be able to see each other."

"You would find someone else" she yawned giving the impression she didn't care.

"Please won't you at least try?" he asked her.

Considering his words she sighed "don't you ever want a normal life?"

"Yes more than anything but that's not my destiny nor yours," he told her.

Turning her back to him sighing "it's a runaway train going faster and faster towards oblivion."

"There has to be a way," Phoenix insisted.

Rolling her shoulders pouting "I can't be bothered to come up with another plan. I had a solution but Emit didn't do as he was told."

"The girls?" Phoenix asked "Peter can't stay here. He doesn't belong." Getting up he paced his room "give me time I'm sure I can come up with something that might work for both our dimensions."

"You'd do that for me?" she batted her eyes at him. It had been so long since she had the pleasure of a little flirtation. She was rusty as hell but Phoenix didn't seem to notice. It might be fun to try, to care again.

Author's Note: Quinn was made by legendofsim. The concept of dimension watchers was created by her as well for her story A Graying World  If you haven't read this story check it out. It's a great read.


  1. I kind of like Quinn and Phoenix together- they'd be a cool couple. I hope Keenan can figure out how to end Silver permanently. Otherwise, the guy won't let him rest, knowing he has a child.
    I feel bad for Everett. He's a nice guy, but he seems to fall for the people who aren't going to work out for him. Unless, he and Kim will stay together?

    1. They would make a good couple. Only problem is they're both dimension watchers meaning they're not supposed become involved in relationships. Quinn firmly believes the counsel isn't paying attention to them so she's willing to break the rules. Phoenix want's to help get both their dimensions back on track. So it's a relationship rife with problems. We'll see how things work out for them. Silver does need to be eliminated but he's a little too powerful for most to handle and Keenan is just a kid. Everett is a such a nice guy. He's fallen hard for two people, the one who left him with the scar on his face and Kimberly. I'll be revealing who won the spouse poll eventually in the story. We'll see who wins the girl...Everett or Malachi. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. I'm so for total annihilation of your dimension if Quinn and Phoenix can be together LOL I already like him a lot. This has given me some ideas for my story believe it or not, so thanks! Uhm fingers crossednthat Everett won the spouse poll because while Malachi loves Kim, Everett's comes from a more serious place. For all we know Malachi is holding on to Kim because of everything going on now. But Everett seems to really care. Invited tons of times for him lol I don't know how Adam and Keenan are going to get out of this mess but I really hope it's soon because things look kinda bad...

    1. No my babies...but Quinn and Phoenix do look together. I'm not sure to be excited this gave you ideas or be afraid lol Your comments reminds me that I should close the poll. I forgot about. But I think I already know who the winner is. He's been in forerunner from the beginning. You'll find out soon. I might reveal it in a drabble on tumblr. You might be onto something in regards to Everett. He does care deeply he just doesn't see how it could work out with them being from different dimensions. Adan and Keenan are in a tight spot and Silver holds all the cards. We'll see how it all works out...
      Thanks for reading and commenting!
