Wednesday, December 28, 2016

4.19 Imbalance

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Adam demanded slamming his office door shut. He stared at the men gathered within his private office. His eyes glittered with rage. His voice demanding attention as the assembled vampires and werewolves jumped to attention before him all except one remained sitting. "Someone had better answer me," Adam intoned letting his fury fill the room something he seldom ever did. It was as shocking as his unexpected presence had been.

Keenan stood beside him observing their reactions. The werewolves bristled, lowering their heads in acknowledgement of Adam's rule over them. Most of the vampires did likewise. One remained seated a smirk upon his impassive face. Catching Keenan watching him he rose his eyes glittering in defiance before he lowered his head. He was an ancient vampire dating back to the days before Alessandro. Keenan filed the impression away to bring to his father's awareness at a later time. He eyed the man with watchful distrusting eyes.

The man Keenan identified as a possible threat cleared his throat catching everyone's attention "merely preliminary precautions...."

"For what?" Adam demanded. He slammed his fist onto his desk resulting in a stress fracture to form in the wood. "War is not a precaution. It's a last ditch effort when all else has failed."

The man's eyes narrowed "are you calling me stupid?"

Adam swallowed his first response that yes Seraphino was most definitely stupid. He eyed Seraphino's enraged face concluding this was the ringleader of the group gearing for war. "I'm saying you're being too hasty. War is a costly endeavor.. I won't sacrifice the lives of one person if there's another way to solve the problem."

"You're weak," Seraphino sneered.

Ignoring the insult Adam turned to the others in the room. "Do you think war is the only answer? Humans may appear to weak compared to our strengths and powers but they more than make up for it with ingenuity. Their numbers alone far out do ours. Think about it. For the first time in years we have a line of communication with them. We can end this peacefully."

As the assembled men began to nod in agreement the disgruntled vampire scowled at the assembly. "You're all fools" he gave Keenan a piercing hateful glare before slamming the door shut behind him as he left.


The clanging of keys and dungeon doors opening jolted Kimberly and Heath awake. The guard bowed acting nervous less sure of himself "please forgive me for detaining you." The young werewolf cringed "I was following orders."

"Grandpa must be back" Kimberly whispered in Heath's ear. Her eyes became unfocused while she tried to contact Adam. "Nothing," she blinked rubbing her temples "it's like he's not there."

"He could be wearing a blocker of some sort," Heath whispered back "Alanon had made us necklaces that blocked other's from our minds."

"This is stronger than that," Kimberly told him "similar but different."

"Maybe it's stronger because it's meant to block out Silver," Heath suggested keeping his voice down so as avoid drawing attention to their conversation.

They followed the guard to Adam's office where the guard cringed again bowing low almost to the floor. Heath and Kimberly gave him puzzled frowns as they opened the familiar door smiling in relief upon seeing Adam and Keenan waiting for them.

"Dad," Heath cried in relief pulling his father into a hug "I was so worried about you."

Kimberly pulled her younger Uncle into her arms "don't ever do that again" she admonished him.

"I can't" Keenan said pulling away from her "I thought I was helping you. I won't promise not to try and help in the future." Turning to glance at his dad he continued "you can't make me promise that."

Kimberly peered intently into Keenan's eyes. Smiling she said "I guess I can't. What's this?" she asked pulling on the amulet around his neck.

Swatting her hands away Keenan explained "it's to keep Silver from detecting us. Dad has one too."

Fingering the amulet Kimberly said "that's why I couldn't contact you. I knew when they released us that you were back though." She beamed over at Adam happy they were back.

"Released you" Adam grumbled an edge in his voice as he looked to Heath for an explanation.

"Calm down dad" Heath tried to placate him knowing that furious look in his dad's eyes well "the guard isn't to blame. He was following orders to lock us up in the dungeons."

Kimberly shivered rubbing her arms as she felt the cold clammy air from the dungeon envelope her. "They came for me. The werewolves and vampires. I think they wanted to get to dad through me."

"They got what they wanted when I came here demanding to see you," Heath nodded ruefully.

"Do you know what's going on?" Kimberly asked arms still around Keenan.

Rubbing his chin Adam nodded "there's a lot I still need to work through but I think they wanted Heath to go to Midnight Hollow to keep the IF's from revolting."

"Me?" Heath cried shivering "why?"

"You're my son for one. Two you're an IF," Adam explained "it's actually not a half bad idea."

"But I..." Heath exhaled loudly "I don't want to go." The thought of being among a town full of IF's like Windy and Kyle's father made him feel ill.

"Not all IF's are like the one's we've dealt with in the past. They need direction. If I had a co-ruler living among them they'd be less likely to revolt and revert back to their old ways." Turning to his son Adam squeezed his shoulder "I know you don't want to. I'm asking you to consider it. I don't trust anyone else to do it. You're the only one I know who will do as I request."

Swallowing audibly Heath nodded. It was a huge vote of confidence and one he wasn't sure he was capable of handling. "What about Don and the kids?" he asked.

"They could go with you," Adam assured him.

Heath gave him a nod then asked "have they opened the dimension portal?"

"What do you mean?" Adam demanded heading towards the door.

"They closed the dimension when you disappeared" Kimberly explained "Dad and the others haven't been able to come home."

They followed Adam down the corridor to the Dimension room. They were met by Alanon and Lincoln who were arguing with the guards outside the door. Turning Alanon smiled upon catching sight of Adam "I heard you were back." Glaring at the obstinate guards "maybe you could help us gain access to the room. Lincoln needs to return to  his dimension."

"I'm still catching up with everything that's happened" Adam mumbled "I'm gone for a few weeks and the whole place falls apart."

"I did the best I could" Alanon said sounding a little defensive "unfortunately my actions were suspect being so closely related to your family and humans."

"Mmm yes" Adam acknowledged not wanting to get into with Alanon in front of so many onlookers "you and I will need to talk later."

Alanon nodded knowing that any real discussion would occur outside of these walls away from any listening devices. "I look forward to it" he acknowledged the summons with a slight inclination of the head.

"Stand aside" Adam commanded the guards. The guards scowled at each other neither one moving aside to let Adam pass.

"Stand aside" Adam repeated eyes glowing in vampiric fury "who is your ruler?" he demanded showing the guards his fangs.

They hesitated for only a moment before bowing and allowing Adam and the others access to the room beyond. 

Serafino turned as they entered. Glaring menacing at the guards "I told you not to allow anyone in here."

"You are not our ruler" the men said their eyes following Adam confirming where their allegiance lay "it was different when Adam was lost. Now that he has returned you command us no longer."

"Fools" Serafino hissed. Glaring at Adam fangs extended "this interloper is no match for me He is weak. More human than vampire."

Hissing Adam let his fangs extend intimidatingly at Serafino "I am ruler of Moonlight Falls yield to me."

Serafino took an unconscious step back unaccustomed to anyone standing up to him. He let his fangs retract, straightening his sleeves. "This isn't over weakling" he glared at Keenan before leaving in a huff.

Heart racing Adam took several deep breaths before he was able to get his fangs to retract and his eyes to stop glowing in rage. Turning towards the disconcerted guards he commanded "Serafino is not allowed inside the castle."

"But sir he is...."

"He is not allowed inside the castle," Adam hissed "do not make me repeat myself again."

"Yes my lord" they bowed resuming their post while they relayed the information to the other guards.

"Dad" Keenan's hand bounced off his dad's taut muscles along Adam's shoulders.

"Not now son" Adam said still struggling to control is vamperic ire "open the dimension" he commanded.

Lincoln stepped forward as the werewolves stationed in front of the controls moved to allow him access. "It's open" he announced without looking around. A vampire in a rage is an awesome scary sight and not one he wanted to associate with Adam.


They received a response almost immediately. "Adam are you there?" they heard Peter's voice asking from the other dimension.

"Dad" Adam stepped forward the last of his fury flowing from him "it's good to hear your voice."

"It'd be even better to see you in person son" Peter said "do we have permission to come over?"

"Yes" Adam nodded towards Lincoln who made the right adjustments.

 A few minutes later four individuals emerged from the portal and stood before them. Heath rushed over to a teen aged version of his husband "Don is that you?"

Patting himself down Don said "it's me or what's left of me. Silver had us trapped where we aged backwards a year for a week."

"Malachi" Kimberly choked rushing towards Everett holding what appeared to be a toddler. Was that his son she wondered refusing to believe that she was looking at her boyfriend.

Everett nodded mumbling "I'm sorry."

Stopping as tremors shook her body Kimberly couldn't believe this was happening. All this time and this is what she got. Turning to Adam she cried "you can fix this can't you?"

"I don't know" he gently took her in his arms while she sobbed on his shoulder. Stroking her hair he said "I'll do what I can" he looked up at Peter who was silently shaking his head "I can't promise anything will change."

She nodded running from the room. She couldn't stay there while her heart was breaking. She couldn't look at the toddler remembering how it used to be. How his arms had made her feel safe, secure and loved. How his kiss had made her weak in the knees when they had last been together. He sacrificed so much.

She fell on the rough sidewalk skinning her knees. She glanced around to see if anyone was watching. She was alone inside and out. All she wanted to do was run. Runaway as far and as fast as she could away from this nightmare.


A twig snapped behind her. She jumped to her feet ready to run again. Strong arms pulled her tight before she was able to take a step. Struggling she screamed "let me go." The arms were familiar. They were the same arms that had held her once before. She had been weak wishing they had been Malachi's but they weren't.

The man's arms were insistent in holding her tight. Tiring she rested her head on his strong firm chest. Breathing deeply she listened to her captors strong steady heart beat. Several minutes later she wiped her eyes dry sighing "we should go back."

"Are you ok?" he asked his voice gruff.

"No but I will be eventually" she smiled up at him. His gentle gray eyes made her smile. She could see the handsome young man he was despite the livid scar along one side of his face. As if drawn to it she lifted a hand up gently tracing the scar's outline with her fingers. "She should never have done that" she murmured referring to the woman who had betrayed him and broke his heart.

"No more than you deserved to have your boyfriend turned into a toddler" he said leaning into her touch.

"We're quite the pair" she said "I wish...." She dropped her hand turning away.

Grabbing her hand Everett asked "you wish what?"

"That .... that" she turned away tears in her eyes "you could stay here with me."

Pulling her to him he kissed her forehead "somewhere along the way I fell in love with you."

"What about your brother?" She peered up at him "I can't ask you to stay here."

"You don't have to ask" he told her stroking her face and hair "I want to be here with you. The weeks I spent there all I could think about was you. My heart belongs to you."


Quinn watched the young couple regretting what she had to do next. For a moment her mind wandered to Phoenix. He had been so sweet, so tender and caring. She longed to go back to him. Tell him she changed her mind. Tell him that being together was worth the risk of bringing the council to them. Shaking her head she sniffed loudly alerting the young couple of her presence "don't let me disturb you."

Stepping away from each other Everett demanded "who are you?"

"My name is irrelevant" she said watching Everett closely "I'm this dimension's watcher."

Everett's eyes grew wide with recognition "if that's true then this dimension..." he looked over at Kimberly drawing her close.

"That's right," Quinn said "I'm only awakened when things are so bad that the dimension is in danger of being reset." She looked at the young couple moved with pity "I'm sorry but you can't stay. You have to go back."

"No" Kimberly cried hiding her face in Everett's shoulder. 

"Your presence here is upsetting the dimensions balance. You can't stay here" Quinn stared directly into Everett's eyes "you know I'm right. You knew it before you came that you couldn't stay."

Shaking his head Everett struggled to accept what she was saying. "No you're wrong. Lincoln is the one that knows how to operate the dimension portal. He has the knowledge I lack. I'm not needed in my dimension."

"That's true" Quinn acknowledged "but I have not asked for you to be here and your dimension's balance is threatened with your absence."

"Does that  mean the dimension watcher has been awakened there too?" Everett asked concern for his world and brother awakening inside him.

"Yes he has," Quinn nodded "you need to go back." She turned and walked away sure that Everett would return to his dimension. His sense of duty and love for his brother would win out over his hearts desire. As much as this dimension could use him she wasn't willing to upset Phoenix's dimension to let him stay. She was doing everything she could to keep her dimension from falling to save his. Everett had to go home.

Pulling Kimberly close he could feel his heart breaking in two. He didn't want to lose her but he couldn't have her. "I'm sorry" he whispered kissing her forehead.

Nodding Kimberly stepped back shaking "I don't want to lose you. Let me go with you."

"You know that's not possible" Everett said keeping his voice low and gentle "your absence from this dimension would leave a hole as my absence from mine does."

"So this is it" Kimberly hugged herself. Within minutes she had lost two men she loved. She couldn't have Malachi because it would take too long for him to grow up and she couldn't have Everett because he didn't belong here. Her heart was shattering inside her and she knew it would never be whole again. 

Nodding Everett held his hand out to her "I'm sorry. If I could I'd stay with you forever but I can't at the cost of millions of innocent lives. How could I put my needs above so many?"

"I know" she mumbled as tears ran down her cheeks "I just....I want things to be different."

"So do I" Everett gave her a sad smile "if it's any consolation you made me see that I could love again. I never thought it'd be possible after what happened." Unconsciously his hand traced the scar on his face "I thank you for that."

"I hope you find someone in your dimension that makes you happy" she whispered knowing she wished the opposite.

"Liar but thank you for the sentiment" Everett gently squeezed her tight before letting her go "I wish you the same."

"You lie as well as I do" she quipped trying to distance herself from the pain "we better go back."

Sighing he nodded "can I have one last kiss before I go?"

Nodding she tilted her face up to him as he pressed his lips to hers. It was a kiss of longing, of heart break, of new beginnings and a lasting goodbye. 


  1. Quinn! Don't break them up! Ugh, I wonder what's going to happen now. Because I'm totally shipping Everly.
    I hope Adam can figure out how to curb Seraphino in case the later decides to do something stupid.

    1. It's for the good of two dimensions that he goes home. I totally ship Everly too. Thanks for the awesome ship name too!
      Serafino do something stupid? Never! At least not to him. He has a plan...we'll be seeing a lot of Serafino in the future.
      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. Oh the destruction caused by a dimension watcher...Poor Quinn for having to make the call. I feel bad for the dimension watchers because they have to make the tough calls. I feel like Kim fell in love with Everett pretty quickly. Is that because while Malachi was gone she fell out of love with him and with Everett? What's gonna happen to poor Malachi??? Everett just stole his girl and he can't do anything about it!! Seraphim is a cool name but these old vampires are really jerks lol

    1. It's not something she wanted to do but it had to be done for the good of both dimensions. The watchers do have a pretty difficult job and sometimes even dimension watchers let their emotions cloud their judgement. It's been a few months since Malachi left and Kimberly was vulnerable when she met Everett. So it's a little of what you said she kind of fell out of love with Malachi maybe as a sort of self protection thinking she wouldn't ever see him again. Then Everett was right there. They had an instant connection. Love at first sight? Poor Malachi can't do anything about it but watch as someone else takes off with his girl. We'll find out more about Serafino and he's been waiting for his chance to take control of Moonlight Falls. Bad things are gonna happen :( Thanks for reading and commenting!
