Saturday, January 14, 2017

4.22 Calm Before The Storm

Erix sat across from his mate. He would do anything to make her smile. Unfortunately the only thing that would make that happen seemed to be impossible. A child. Their child. It had been millennia since any Elysian had been able to have a child. Immortality had become an intolerable torment. If only there was a way to coerce the dimension watcher into helping them.

He looked up eyes connecting with his mates "I would do anything to see you smile."

"Let me follow her" his wife requested.

"What good would that do?" he asked.

"I don't know," Saria's frustration was clear in her voice and the way she paced the floor instead of sitting "maybe she will lead us to the child."

"If Silver is to be believed" Erix pointed out.

She stopped her aimless pacing "you don't believe him?"

"No I don't" he sighed "that creature has lied to us one too many times. I do not intend to follow him blindly again."

Throwing herself into a chair with a dejected air she moaned "then what can we do? Quinn's our only hope to achieve our goal."

Tapping his fingers thoughtfully on the table. Erix let his mind wander. He needed a way to keep tabs on the watcher. Something she wouldn't suspect. "What's the name of the family that keeps thwarting us?" he asked the beginnings of an idea germinating in his brain.

"Van Winkle" she almost choked on the name. They had been instrumental in over throwing their bid for control over Oasis Landing. Always meddling in their business. "Peter Van Winkle has made great strides in male pregnancy in humans. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she asked turning towards her mate.

"I am" he gave her a predatory smile "we need to somehow get inside that family."

"They won't accept IF dolls not after that fiasco with Windy," the woman pointed out.

"The IF's are no longer reliable allies since Adam took over Moonlight Falls" Erix said "but we could do something similar."

"Similar" she asked confused.

"I need a Wandler" he announced "one that can take the form of any object."

"There's not many of them left. A wandler can only attache itself to the very young or the very vulnerable. Most have moved on to other worlds," his wife mused aloud.

"All we need is one" he gave her a look full of glee and anticipation "if memory serves me right Wandlers delight in scaring children. Turning their dreams into nightmares."

A genuine smile spread across the woman's face "I'll start searching for one right away."

"Good" Erix nodded "preferably we find one that is unusually cruel. That way we can entice Peter into doing whatever we say to keep his family safe."

She stood giving her husband a kiss "I always knew you were an evil genius."


Phoenix glared at his unexpected visitor. Arms crossed he felt his heart hammer inside his chest.
"Why are you here?" he demanded his voice full of anger. He could feel all the repressed feelings he had for his visitor. How they had betrayed him, left him to fend for himself, alone and scared.

"I'm sorry" his visitor said speaking softly "I didn't know."

"Didn't know" he shouted "how couldn't you know?"

"It's never happened before" she stammered taken aback by his anger "if I had known do you think I would have kept it from you? I would have warned you. I would have kept things from getting physical between us."

"So I'm not capable of self-restraint?" Phoenix thundered.

"That's not what I meant" she took a step forward "please forgive me. I should have come sooner. I should have been here to help you."

"Why weren't you?" he asked "I called for you for months. All my entreaties went unanswered. Did I mean so little to you that I was so easily forgotten?"

"No" Quinn cried "it's because I loved you that I refused to answer your requests. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." She took a step forward stopping within arms length of him "I've thought about you everyday. I thought about how the changes I was making would keep our dimensions safe. I never wanted to hurt you."

Taking a couple of steps forward Phoenix drew her close to him. Her head resting on his chest "I'm sorry. I should have known better."

"Yes you should have" she agreed stepping away from him. Wiping her eyes frowning at the wetness that prevented her from denying her true feelings.

"What do we do now?" Phoenix asked worry replacing his anger "I can't hide the kids forever."

"We'll deal with that when and if the council ever comes. In the mean time we do everything we can to keep your dimension in balance." She strode away from him to gaze out the window. His safe haven was small but functional while hers was sparsely decorated. She couldn't help but smile at the contrast their havens made to Audric's mansion. His haven always made her feel somewhat uncomfortable. The time and resources spent on that could have been spent on the dimension he was supposed to be watching.

"Do you want to see them?" Phoenix asked.

Fear pumped through her veins at the thought of seining her children for the first time. "I..I don't know" she stammered afraid once she saw them she wouldn't want to leave them.

Taking her hand he dragged her towards a hidden door. "I don't know if this will prevent the council from finding them but I thought it couldn't hurt to take precautions."

She walked into the room to find a little boy and girl playing on the floor. Their happy chatter and giggles lifted her spirits, lightened her heart. "Hi" she waggled her fingers at them as they stared wide eyed up at her.

"Whose that?" the boy asked pointing.

"She's pretty" the girl added.

"Kids" Phoenix said kneeling beside them "this beautiful lady is your mom."

"Mommy" the girl cried running to her.

Quinn patted the fiery red hair of the little girl that was squeezing her knee caps off. The boy stood staring, hands on hips "we don't need another girl" he announced.

"Sure we do" Phoenix said with an amused grin "there's always room for more girls." The boy shook his head unhappy with the change in his world "why don't you say hello. She won't bite."

"You sure?" the boy asked gazing up at his dad's face for confirmation.

"I'm positive" Phoenix gave the boy an encouraging smile pushing him forward.

"Hi" the boy said with a shy smile "are you really our mom?"

"Yes I am" Quinn said kneeling down to talk to him. The little girl crawled into her lap. "We can visit you?" she asked.

Looking up Quinn turned to Phoenix silently asking for his help. "I don't know princess. Maybe when you're older" he said.


"Daddy" Phoebe shouted running across the hard slippery wood floor. "Daddy" she cried again arms flailing as she tumbled to the floor.

Racing to his daughter's side Everett picked the little girl up into his arms. Heart pounding as he inspected her for injuries.

"Daddy" she giggled throwing her arms around his neck.

"Phoebe" he laughed squeezing her squirming little body to him.

"Daddy let go" she giggled as his beard scratched her cheek "stop daddy."

"Stop what" he laughed rubbing his chin on her cheek.

Everett put the little girl down and watched her run careening off the wall in her ungainly way. Shaking his head he glanced up to find Kimberly watching him. "Hello beautiful" he said strutting up to her.

Kimberly sighed as his arms embraced her. Resting her head on his chest breathing deeply "Phoebe couldn't wait for you to come home," she said looking up at him.

"I could tell" he said kissing her nose "I love being greeted by that bundle of energy."

"I imagine she was just like you when you were that age" Kimberly said stroking his whiskered cheeks "what's wrong?" she asked seeing the clouded hurt expression in his strong gray eyes.

"It's nothing" he mumbled turning away.

"Everett don't walk away" Kimberly implored him "tell me what's wrong? What did I say?"

Sighing he turned drawing Kimberly close to him "it's not you. It's me." He blinked several times as a tick in his jaw went into overdrive "I don't know if I was like that when I was Phoebe's age. There's no one left to ask."

"That was so thoughtless of me" she leaned up to place a kiss on his lips "It's so easy for me having so much of my family around all the time."

Nodding he gazed intently into her eyes "sometimes it's overwhelming. Don't get me wrong I'm glad our daughter will have such a rich family history but what do I have to offer her?"

"Oh honey" she gently brought his head down to rest on her forehead "just because your family isn't here doesn't make your history any less important than mine. I'm very grateful to your parents. Without their sacrifice there would be no you. No you no us. No us no Phoebe."

Resting his forehead on hers Everett closed his eyes. He always wondered why his parents had sacrificed their lives for him. It was him who had led his girlfriend to them. It was him she had used to betray them. He could still hear his mother's voice telling him he was destined for great things. That he would have to travel great distances to meet his true love. He couldn't imagine going farther than another dimension. Had his mother known what his future would be? If she had their sacrifice made so much more sense. "Thank you" he murmured burying his face in her hair.


Serafino stood outside the castle walls glaring at the werewolves barring his entrance to the interior. He stepped forward upon seeing Adam emerge accompanied by his father Peter. His nose curled in disgust catching the scent of human stench. Some vampires enjoyed the smell of humans, dined on them regularly. Serafino wasn't one of them. The thought made his blood boil. He preferred his carefully selected witches blood. Adam he knew had never tasted blood, even his son a born vampire had never tasted blood. Their example had inspired several others to become what they liked to call vegetarians.

Weak minded individuals that thought this mongrel ruler was special. He couldn't wait to rid Moonlight Falls of this mongrel and all who followed him. He smirked imagining decorating the city center with their heads upon stakes. That would be a glorious day Serafino thought until then he had to pretend to cower before this mongrel.

"My lord" he said bowing low "a minute of your time."

"Now is not a good time" Adam said walking past him "make an appointment with my secretary."

"I need to see you now," Serafino growled.

Adam's eyes narrowed at the man's insolence. He stopped despite the disapproval of his armed guards Peter leaned in close whispering "this isn't a good idea. He means trouble."

Silently nodding Adam addressed Serafino who stood with an expectant look on his face. One that said he had gotten his way and delayed the ruler from his chosen course. The one that said I am important and you are not. Turning his back on the arrogant insufferable vampire Adam said "make an appointment and clear it with my guards."

Serafino rushed forward eyes glossed over "I will be treated with respect".

Moving quickly the guard closed in around Adam preventing the ancient vampire from touching Adam. With a grunt of pain Serafino struggled within their grasp. "I see you've trained your dogs well" Serafino snapped his intelligent eyes glowing.

Ignoring him Adam let his guard handle the situation. He didn't speak about the incident until they reached his home. After being greeted by his wife and hugging his granddaughters Adam inclined his head towards Peter a silent request for him to follow him.

Closing the door behind him Peter asked "what do you think Serafino was trying to accomplish?"

"Besides being an ass?" Adam asked "I think he was testing my guards reaction to a threat to me."

Nodding Peter rubbed his chin "I got that impression as well."

"He wants my head" Adam said more to himself then to anyone else "why?"

"He wants to be in power" Peter supplied "he was in a position of power while you and Keenan were missing. He doesn't want to lose that control."

"Which means if he manages to get rid of me he'll go after Keenan next," Adam could feel his anxiety rising. The days he'd run were over. Too many people depended on him. He had no choice but to face this new threat head on.


Keenan stood staring at his assortment of clothes rejecting each one as being too boring. He glanced over at his cousin envious of his easy manner and ability to fit in. "I have nothing to wear" he complained slamming the door shut.

Looking up from his phone Tommy glanced at Keenan "what's wrong with what you've got on?"

Looking down picking at his sleeves Keenan asked "isn't it, I don't know kind of nerdy?"

Shrugging Tommy went back to the game he was playing "not if that's your style. Besides it's more your attitude then the clothes you wear."

"What about the saying it's the clothes that make the man?" Keenan asked.

"That's kind of simplistic" he said shutting the game down "take the clothes away and we're all the same. All the same accept for our personalities."

Rolling his eyes Keenan groaned "I wish you weren't so philosophical. I just want to look good."

Standing up Tommy walked towards his cousin "just calm down and have fun. If you're having fun it won't matter what you look like."

"Sounds easy enough," Keenan muttered "except the calm down part. I'm no good at that."

"No you're more the die of a heart attack type of guy," Tommy laughed at the horrified look Keenan gave him "stick with me kid and I'll have you relaxed in no time."

"So where are we going?" Keenan asked giving up the idea of changing his look for one night out.

"Well I thought we'd try this new club I found" Tommy said "we can't get into any of the really nice nightclubs because we're not old enough."

"I've never heard of the place," Keenan said glancing through the flyer Tommy handed him.

"Not surprised" Tommy laughed "you don't go out much. Any chance we can ditch the body guards?"

Shaking his head Keenan could feel his anxiety sky rocketing at the mere thought of going out without them. "No absolutely not" he stammered in response "dad already has a death threat out on him. By extension that applies to me too."

"Ok ok don't get your panties in a twist" Tommy chuckled "I didn't really think you would. I've been around enough to know when someone has a bodyguard there's a reason why."

"So you just wanted to see what my reaction would be?" Keenan asked. He never knew if he should take his cousin seriously or not "you never did tell me why you came to Moonlight Falls."

Shrugging Tommy looked out the window "Call it good old fashioned curiosity."

Groaning Keenan tossed a pillow at him "that's not a reason. You've been evading the question for weeks, why?"

Tommy got a far away expression on his face before he replied "I guess I'm here to prove a point. I've read about Moonlight Falls and supernaturals all my life. I've heard about my Great Uncle Adam and how he was turned into a vampire. It just fueled my curiosity. I wanted to see it for myself. Mom said I was crazy to believe that such things exist. That I should just grow up."

Sighing he moved around the room restlessly "she sucked the life out of dad and she was doing the same to me." He stopped abruptly turning to Keenan "don't get me wrong I love my mom but she's not very understanding about things she could care less about. She likes to be in control. I don't like to be controlled. I chafed under her rules. So I left. Came here. I wanted to do research for a book I'm writing. All the things mom said would be a waste of time."

"She sounds awful" Keenan couldn't help but say "I can't imagine my parents being like that."

"It's what it is" he shrugged "my dad is cool though. That might be why mom always liked it when he was gone because us kids always gravitated towards him when he was home."


Heath sighed it was good to be home. He didn't know how his father did it. Running a town was a lot of hard work. All the complaints, the demands and disgruntled people. He kept telling himself it had only been a month. Things would get better he hoped.

He found Don in the kitchen making supper. He put his arms around him as he was chopping vegetables for dinner. Kissing his stubbly cheeks he asked "how was your day?"

Setting the knife down Don turned in Heath's arms. Putting his arms around his neck he captured Heath's lips with a passionate kiss "I've missed you" he said.

"I missed you too" Heath nuzzled into him breathing deeply "smells good. What's for dinner?"

"Your favorite" Don said "macaroni and cheese." He laughed at the scrunched up look of disgust on his Heath's face "I'm joking. It's lasagna."

"Anything I can do to help?" Heath asked reluctantly letting his husband go.

"Nope" Don said "just sit there and look pretty."

"Well that's a pretty hard job to do. Not everyone can do it" Heath said with a smile. It felt good to joke around with his husband. There was a time he didn't think he'd ever see Don again. He didn't want to waste time arguing when he could be enjoying what he had.

"Anything new happen today at work?" Don asked.

Heath could hear the curiosity in his husband's voice. Don found IF's more interesting then he did. That was the only bad thing about the move to Midnight Hollow. Being in close contact with other IF's. His children had to go to school with them. This would become normal to them. He ran a hand through his blue hair "there's something that came up today that you may not like."

Don set his knife aside with a loud clatter on the counter "what's wrong?"

Heath could hear the fear and anxiety in Don's voice. He moved to ease some of the tension from his shoulders. Kneading Don's shoulder's Heath explained "there's a complaint against Kyle's father. The 
IF's want him brought to justice for his crimes. I've sent a request to your cousin Jeff to see if he can locate him. Once he's found I'll send a delegate of IF's to bring him back."

"Do you think it's wise to use a human to look for him?" Don asked.

"It may be the only thing he won't expect" Heath said "I'll ask Kyle to watch out for him."

"I hope you find him" Don said picking up his knife to continue chopping the vegetables "it's about time he was brought to justice."


  1. I tried commenting on this chapter and it deleted my comment? :( Basically I was gushing about Jeff and Chart, saying that Tommy would really like her. It's a shame that they may never meet :/ Keenan is such a dork, I love him! Aha I hope Tommy is good for him. He could use the reassurance. Quinn and Pheonix are great but Quinn really needs to teach Audric a thing or two about running a dimension. Pheonix is such a cute little girl!

    1. Hmm wonder how that happened? Tommy would like Char and Tommy is a lot like Jeff is in your story. Keenan puts a lot of pressure on himself but he also knows the weight of responsibility he has coming to him in the future ruling over Moonlight Falls. So he needs Tommy to lighten things up for him and give him the reassurance he needs that he's ok the way he is. If only Quinn and Phoenix could be together! But she's going to do what's necessary to keep him and the twin safe. At least she's going to try. Audric could stand to learn a few things but Quinn isn't perfect either. Thanks for reading and commenting!
