Sunday, May 11, 2014

Generation 1, Chapter 39

Emit decided the only solution was to bring Peter to the future The cure existed here thanks in large part to Peter's research. His colleagues at the Science lab had worked tirelessly on Peter's research and found the cure 15 months after Peter's death. It revolutionized modern medicine and brought hope to countless individuals. When the cure was first discovered it had a success rate of 40%, depending upon the type of cancer and how aggressive it was. However in Emits time the success rate had increased to 90% due to advancements through the decades. Emit knew this was the best chance Peter had of surviving. Although it would be unusual for someone to go into complete remission so late in the stage but that is what he knew the doctor's in Peter's time would say happened. It would be deemed a miracle.

So Emit went back in time to convince Peter to come to the future with him. "Peter my dear friend, come to the future with me. We have the means to make you well again."

Although the offer was tempting Peter declined "No Emit I appreciate the offer but I can't. It wouldn't be right, cheating death like that. If it's my time it's my time."

"But you don't understand. It's not your time. I'm here to correct the timeline. Everything hinges on you. You must survive."

"Wait, I don't understand. What hinges on me?" Peter was confused wishing Emit would make sense.

Emit sighed, realizing he would have to explain how things changed and why Peter was key to putting the timeline right.

Peter was overwhelmed with the magnitude of what Emit was telling him. He had never believed Vallari was capable of such evilness. He had known she was mean spirited, greedy, manipulative all those things but pure evil, he hadn't wanted to believe it. He agreed with Emit that he had to do this. He would do whatever it took to protect his family, his children from the evil clutches of Vallari.

However due to his health he had to enlist the help of both Adam and Brian. Brian was excited for the chance to see what the future would be like; although Peter warned him that the future would all change. Adam was kicking himself for not thinking about going to the future to find a cure. How could he have forgotten about time travel? It would have been so easy and his Dad wouldn't have had to suffer and waste away.

Once they arrived in Oasis Landing, it was late and Emit suggested they get a good nights rest. However Adam and Brian detoured to the kitchen in search of food. Peter joined them; although he ate very little. He wanted to enjoy their company. After the boys filled their stomachs and talked optimistically of the future, they all decided it was time for bed.

However Emit was waiting for Adam, wanting to talk to him privately.

"Adam I'm very concerned about your family" Emit began.

"What! Why? I thought you said this procedure would work on my Dad." Adam said jumping to the wrong conclusion.

"No it isn't that. It's just, how well do you know your mother."

"Who Jean? She's awesome the way she's supported Dad through all of this."

"No not Jean. I mean Vallari" Emit corrected.

"Oh what about her?"

"What do you know about her?" Emit repeated.

"Not a whole lot, except she's the meanest person I know. Why?"

"She's a lot more than that. She's extremely vengeful. She hurts people to get her way, to get what she wants. When someone like your Dad stands up to her they get hurt."

"Are you saying that Vallari is responsible for Dad's illness?"

"Yes. She had one of your fathers assistants poison his food. However that assistant mixed the poison up with irradiate dust particles that ultimately caused your Dad's cancer. The point is she wants revenge against your Dad and she may try something else. Someone needs to keep an eye out for things she might do in the future."

"So your telling me so that I can be that someone. So what do I do? I can't be everywhere all the time." Adam said feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of having to second guess and out smart Vallari.

"Just be careful. Double check everything; especially if Vallari has been around. Don't take anything for granted."

"Ok I'll try. But why tell me? Why not Dad?" Adam wondered.

"I already told your Dad but you needed to know as well. You are also on Vallari's hit list. You personally need to take precautions as much as your Dad does."

"But why? Why me? Why does she hate me so much?" Adam demanded, his mind reeling with the knowledge.

"Because you stand up to her. Right now her revenge has taken the form of having your car stolen but it could become worse if she feels threatened by you."

Adam sadly agreed with Emit and turned to get ready for bed when Emit stopped him saying "Adam I ... well, you should beware of Windy too."

"She's my best friend, my girlfriend. I've known her all my life. She wouldn't hurt me."

"I hope you're right. But ask yourself, if Windy is such a good friend, why is she friends with Vallari too? She of all people should know what Vallari is and how she has treated you. Yet Windy seeks out Vallari's company and advice."

"I don't believe you." Adam said defensively. But he knew Emit was right. He knew but he didn't want to believe it.

"Whether you believe me or not, just be careful. She could change or she could be your doom. Only time will tell."

"Don't you know? I thought you knew everything." Adam retorted.

"The future will be resetting itself once Peter has his cancer treatment tomorrow, so everything is in a state of flux. But based upon the other timelines, she's a disturbing potential problem. I wanted to warn you. What you do with that warning is up to you. Good night Adam." With that Emit left the room, leaving Adam to ponder upon what he said.

It chilled Adam to the bone to know Windy might be as bad as Vallari. He wanted to disregard what Emit had told him but he knew he was right. Adam laid awake for hours wondering what he should do until he fell into a troubled sleep filled with dreams.

'He was driving on a winding road and he had to fight to keep the car on the road, narrowly missing one tree after another. All the while Windy was there laughing at him. Then he found himself on a university campus where everyone was pointing at him and whispering things behind his back. He saw Windy just ahead of him and she waves at him saying Goodbye Adam, I'm off to find the money tree."

Adam woke up feeling irritable and groggy. He got up not ready to face the day. He knew his eyes were red from lack of sleep. He threw water in his face, hoping it would wake him up. He wanted to give the impression of confidence, knowing that his father and brother would both be nervous about the procedure. Adam met them for breakfast in the kitchen.

As if reading Adam's mind Peter said "Emit is at the hospital making arrangements. So all we have to do is arrive on time. So relax, enjoy your breakfast, this will all be over soon."

Adam had to smile. His Dad almost sounded like himself again. He hadn't realized how much he had missed that easy way his Dad had of giving him confidence and hope, no matter the situation. He started to feel better, knowing he wasn't the one that had to be the strong one, his Dad was going to be alright.

Peter went on to outline the agenda for the day. "The procedure should take about an hour. Don't get upset if it takes longer. Emit said that in cases where the cancer is in stage four it may take longer. I'll be in recovery for an hour or so, just long enough to be somewhat alert. After that we'll have to make a beeline straight to the time portal."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Adam questioned "That seems awfully quick. What if there are complications? Why do we have to leave so quick?"

"Yeah I haven't had time to see anything yet" Brian said.

"It has something to do with the timeline changing. We need to be where we're supposed to be for the timeline to realign itself. So I'm going to need your help to get from the hospital to the time portal. I'm not going to be able to move fast; especially climbing stairs and such. Emit will clear traffic for us so we don't have to worry about that. I know we can do this, we just need to help each other."

"Sure Dad you can count on us" Adam and Brian said together.

It was still early when they arrived at the hospital. However as soon as Peter entered the hospital, he was whisked away to a treatment room. Another nurse escorted the boys to a waiting room and explained that once the procedure was done a doctor would come out to talk to them. It felt like an eternity while they sat in the waiting room, pretending to read but each silently worrying about their father. They each hoped that this procedure would work but they dwelled on that 10% chance it wouldn't. What would they do without their Dad in their lives?

Finally a doctor came into the waiting room.

"Adam? Brian? I'm doctor Johanson. The procedure went very well considering the advanced stage the cancer was in. Your father did very well and should fully recover. He will be weak for several days, so he should get plenty of rest. I know that you are anxious to see him so if you follow me I'll take you to him."

Adam and Brian followed the doctor into the recovery room. Peter was so still, Adam felt like he was in his nightmare again and half expected Vallari to tell him his father was dead. But then Peter stirred and he sighed in relief.

"Dad we're here. The doctor told us that the procedure went well and you should expect a full recovery." Adam continued speaking to Peter hoping his father could hear him. He was so happy to know he had is Dad back and he knew together they could protect the family and each other from Vallari. Adam wanted to discuss with Peter what he should do about Windy and what Emit told him. He needed someone to tell him what to do.

As soon as Peter was awake enough to leave the hospital the boys were there to help him. He walked between them, with an arm over each of the boys shoulders so that they could handle his weight easier. Between them they managed to get to the time portal in time to make it back to Appaloosa Plains before the timeline reset.


  1. Yaaaaaay! Loved the save and the information given in the chapter. Exciting to see how Vallari and Windy get handled. I suppose I'm holding out hope for Windy but at the same time not getting my hopes up.

    1. I'm glad you liked the save. I was hesitant to turn to the future for the solution but since Peter had already been there it seemed to make sense that Emit would want to help his friend. Vallari needs to be taken out but there's no evidence so there really isn't much Peter can do. She is getting old so her time is limited but that being the case may make her desperate. Windy I fear she will break Adam's heart. Adam is a little blinded by thinking Windy is still the same friend he knew when she was his imaginary friend and refuses to believe she has changed. I don't think she'll be as bad as Vallari though.

  2. Yes! Emit got everything to work. I hope for Adam's sake that he realizes Windy is a problem, or I think that the timeline could go back to Adam feeling the burden of everything and not creating Robotics. I feel like Windy would stop him somehow since she's behaving pretty much identical to Vallari.

    1. Emit does his job very well but he may have miscalculated the effect of his warning he gave Adam. Windy has been duped into believing that is theVallari is the victim in all of this and she wants to help Vallari get what she deserves. She may be beginning to see Vallari in a different light and be a not so willing accomplice. Windy is still mean but not so heartless and evil as Vallari. But she could convince Adam to give up his dreams in favor of helping her accomplish her dreams.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh don't count Vallari out just yet! Windy will be a thorn in Adam's side for quite awhile yet.

  4. Emit to the rescue, fixing the future, one timeline at a time lol. Windy is going to be a serious problem later on. I'm growing to lure Adam and so I don't want to see him get hurt. But, he seems a bit naive right now. Maybe that speech Emit gave him will snap him out of it.

    1. A timekeepers job is never done LOL Windy is going to be a serious ongoing problem. Poor Adam won't know what hit him. He clings to the idea that Windy is still the same as she was when she was his imaginary friend. He wants her to be that individual and it causes him to close his eyes to her disturbing behavior. Emit's warning will rumble around in the back of his head for a while but will he heed it? Like Emit said, only time will tell.
