Sunday, August 9, 2015

3.10 Seeking a Connection

"Mom, Dad" Don stopped looking at his parents seeing their concern for him in the way they watched over him. "I'm moving to Dragon Valley..."

"What no," Evelyn exclaimed "what about college? Your degree? You can't just...."

"Evie," Shon reached out and put a restraining hand on her shoulder "this is Don's decision. He's been through enough without us putting more pressure on him."

Nodding Evelyn accepted it. Don could see the worry and concern she felt as she looked at him "why Dragon Valley?"

"I'll be cloaked from my pursuers. I wish it didn't have to be this way. If it was just me I'd stay. I want to stay. Heath and I already lost one child to these people we won't lose another," he explained needing her to understand.

Gasping Evelyn ran to him throwing her arms around him "my boy's pregnant." She hugged him tight "why didn't you tell us?"

Squirming in her embrace "I'm sorry mom it's ...I'm still getting used to the idea myself. We didn't even think it was possible I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I'm not completely human like I thought but a hybrid mix of Creator and human." He shrugged conscious of his parents staring at him "half the time I don't know what I am."

Evelyn looked at her son then at her husband "you are who you have always been ... our son. We love you. It doesn't matter what DNA you have. You are you and that's who we love."

"Mom I love you," he murmured as she hugged him tight once more.

She got up from the table where he had been sitting. "Son don't hesitate to call us if you ever need us. We'll watch over Heath. Don't worry about him."

Don looked up sharply. They hadn't had a real chance to talk. Too much kept happening. Taking in a large breath Don had to know "you're not know um that I'm gay." He looked down needing to know the answer but dreading the answer in case it wasn't what he hoped it would be.

"Don't be silly," Shon laughed as he pulled him close "you are still who you are. My son. Nothing will change that." He slapped on the back "besides I've known for a while. Adam and I suspected you boys would eventually get together. The only problem we foresaw was Dana." Looking at Don turning turning serious "don't trust her. She's obsessed with Heath I don't know if it's written in your DNA to be drawn to Heath or not but she's not likely to stop causing trouble."

"I know dad and that's another reason why I nee to go to Dragon Valley. Dana isn't allowed in the town. You could say the Van Winkle are a protected family as such the Dragons cloak their existence. That protection extends to me being Heath's partner." Sighing Don went on "I wish Heath could come too but with his dad here he has to stay. I understand that. He's vulnerable here. If I need to be careful so does he. He's in more danger than I am when it comes to Dana."

"I know son," Shon admitted "we have a warrant out for her arrest. I'll be alerted as soon as she's caught or shows up in Bridgeport. I'm doing all I can to protect you and Heath."

"I know dad," Don sighed feeling the heavy weight of sadness engulf him. "I really wish we didn't have to do this. That we could have a normal relationship. Dana and I will never be on the same side will we?"

Shaking his head Shon pulled him close "no I'm sorry that may never happen. Don't let your guard down because Dana won't hesitate to take advantage of your feelings." Looking at Evelyn he continued knowing he hadn't discussed this with her but he knew she would agree. "Go get some rest son. I'll wake you when I'm ready to go..."

"Go?" Don asked "where are you going?"

"With you," Shon told him "I don't want you traveling alone. Your mother is needed here so I'll be going with you."

Evelyn nodded agreeing "Shon why don't you with him until Heath is able to join him. I don't want him to be alone. He may need help."


Percy and Heath waited by the portal for Alanon to arrive. Heath paced the area unable to sit still. His mind racing in a million different directions. He worried over Don going to Dragon Valley without him. Shon staying with Don helped a little but he had grown accustomed to having Don by his side. Don was his strength and support. Without Don he felt weak, lost and alone.

"Heath calm down," Percy said from where he stood watching the boy pace. He wished there was something he could do to help the boy. He knew he would feel that way if it were Grace and people were after their child. The thought of his pretty young pregnant wife waiting for him to come home sent a pang of worry through him. How he wanted to be there with her. For a moment he wanted to join Heath in pacing around the portal. He resisted the urge afraid to add to Heath's frayed nerves. Someone had to appear calm and collected at that someone was him.

Another thirty minutes went by, Heath turned towards Percy "how much longer are we going to have to wait? He's not coming...." a low hum from the portal alerted them that someone was coming through.

"Heath get over here," Percy demanded as he made Heath join him behind some bushes. "We don't know who is coming. It may be Alanon or it could be someone else."

"I know. I know." Heath grumbled feeling like an idiot. Where was his brain? He should have known that was a possibility. Anything and anyone could be coming out of the portal. He heard Percy give a sigh of relief as he looked and found a single male standing on the platform.

"Alanon," Percy said standing up and motioning for Heath to follow.

"Percy it's good to see you," Alanon said warmly "this must be Heath..."

Nodding Heath shook the offered hand "what can you do to help my dad?" he asked getting to the point.

"I don't know," Alanon said walking purposely towards the city "I need to contact Ambrogio first to see what's happened." Looking at the boy he asked "have you been able to get through to your dad?"

"You told me not to do anything..." Giving him a look that said he didn't believe him Alanon asked again. Sighing Heath said "no I haven't been able to."

Smirking in response "I knew you wouldn't be able to refrain from trying." Alanon told him with a cocky glance. "We'll try again together. All of us together. Maybe we'll be able to break through the dampening field around their minds." Stopping Alanon grabbed Heath by the shoulders "they haven't given your dad blood have they?"

"Not yet" Heath told him "but it's only a matter of time."

"Even less then you know," Alanon said picking up the pace. "Alessandro is on his way..."

"What took you so long to get her if you know Alessandro was coming?" Heath asked the bitterness in his voice strong as he all but accused Alanon for taking so long.

"I came as quickly as I could" Alanon said straight faced "Alessandro has me watched. I can't just come and go as I please. I had to make preparations to conceal my where abouts. If I had come as soon as I was summoned I would have been detained at best. Killed at the worst."

"I'm sorry," Heath muttered "it's just..."

"I understand he's your dad," Alanon nodded in understanding "I would feel the same."


"Ambrogio ?" Adam called into the darkness. After receiving no response Adam called again. He did this over and over growing more concerned as he did. Ignoring what Ambrogio had told him about not going into the void he called again determined to find Ambrogio if it was the last thing he did.

"Adam," Ambrogio said weak from fighting the void. The dampening field that kept them trapped was weakening him "you shouldn't have come."

"I was getting lonely with only myself to talk to," Adam replied trying to joke. "Come on we've got to get back before we both get lost in here."

"Do you know the way back?" Ambrogio asked.

"Of course I do," Adam said more confident than he felt. "It's my mind after all even if it's dark and foreboding at the moment."

Laughing weakly Ambrogio let Adam help him "maybe you should have gone out here instead of me."

"That's what I told you," Adam said "maybe next time you'll listen to me."

"Don't count on it," Ambrogio muttered "I consider you my child and no parent let's their child go into danger if they can go themselves."

"Well that's comforting to know but I am an adult and capable of making my own decisions."

"Remember that when your in  position similar with Heath," Ambrogio countered "it's not so easy when your in the other person's shoes. I never had a chance to raise my own children. Forgive me if I've become overly attached to you."

"You should have been more open from the start. We may not have butted heads so much." Adam laughed casting his mind around the dark confines of his mind becoming disoriented.

"What's wrong?" Ambrogio asked detecting his uncertainty "are you lost?"

"No I'm not lost..."

"Don't lie," Ambrogio cautioned "if your unsure of where we're at it's best we stop instead of going in circles.

"Yes dad," Adam said sarcastically stopping to get his bearings. "I think it's that way."

"Are you sure? This is no time for guesses."

"I'm positive," Adam grumbled.


Don was greeted at the airport by Elliot, Kyle and their daughter. "Heath called ahead and told us you were coming," Kyle explained.

"We found  a small house for you and Heath that has an extra bedroom that will work nicely as a nursery." Elliot added as they walked to the car.

"You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble" Don stammered overwhelmed.

"It's the least we can do for our nephew," Kyle told  him handing his daughter to Elliot while unlocked the doors. 

After getting settled in the car Elliot turned to Don "there's a dragon egg in the entryway. Be sure to talk to it regularly so it gets to know your voice. He'll be your guardian when it hatches."

Swallowing hard "it's safe you know..." gesturing towards their little girl in the car seat beside him "around children."

Looking in the rear-view mirror Kyle nodded "they're not pets. They're intelligent creatures that are there to protect you. They'll alert you to any possible unwelcome visitor or danger that might come up. They're kid safe. We've never had a problem."

"So you have one too," Shon asked.

Nodding Elliot said "everyone related to the Van Winkle family has one. They're not taking any chances. They're safety protocol has gone up since Heath and Don went missing."

"Why weren't they suspicious of Dana when she was here?" Shon asked not ready to entrust his son's and future grandchild's safety to a bunch of dragons.

Kyle spoke from the front seat "they escorted Dana to the airport with instructions to not let her off the plane. She is banned from entering Dragon Valley. What happened to Don was outside of Dragon Valley beyond their territory. If they'd known Dana would have turned on Don they wouldn't have allowed him on the same airplane. At the time they didn't know the relationship between Heath and Don. Now that they do the same protection bubble will surround Don as it does anyone related to the Van Winkle family."

Pulling into the driveway Kyle continued "here's your new home. It's furnished. We didn't know what you'd like so don't hesitate to change anything you like."

"Redecorate to hearts desire" Elliot chimed in "if you need help let us know."


"Is there someplace where we can go" Alanon asked "where we won't be disturbed?"

Percy and Heath looked at each other "Don's house," they said together.

"Is that close to the hospital?" Alanon pressed "I used to be somewhat close to where Adam is if we hope to make contact with them."

"How close is close?" Percy asked "I'd say the house is a few miles away."

"No that won't do. Is there a part nearby?"

"It's a city there's not going to be any place free from distractions or interruptions," Heath complained "Why can't we do it in the hospital?"

"Because the vampires here might recognize me and inform Alessandro of my pressence," Alanon replied "the park will have to do. We'll have to make it appear as if we're some group of meditaters." Robbing his eyes Heath groaned his displeasure at the plan. "If you have a better idea tell me; otherwise be quiet."Alanon spoke firmly with a hard edge in his tone.

"Will it work?" Heath asked as he rubbed his temples as a headache began to build behind his eyes.

Looking at hims in concern "do you have a headache?"

Nodding Heath said "it's been getting worse." He swayed on his feet almost falling as Percy reached out and steadied him.

"May I?" Alanon asked before touching him. Heath nodded letting Alanon put his hand on his face. Closing his eyes he felt Alanon probing his mind. He sought to silence the shouting in Heath's mind. 

"We are coming. Please wait until we are ready." He felt the shouting quiet down and cease. Opening his eyes he asked the boy "how does your head feel now?"

Blinking Heath smiled "better much better. What did you do?"

Shrugging "I asked whoever it was trying to connect with you to wait. They ceased their attempts." He looked at the boy thoughtfully remembering the pain he was in when he got the jolt from Ambrogio when he had called out to Alanon in desperation. "I believe it was your dad."

Absorbing what Alanon said Heath put a hand to his head "they must be trying to get out...we have to help them."

"We will," Alanon said reaching out and squeezing Heath's shoulder. "The dampening field must be weakening or there are gaps in it. They seem to have been able to maintain a small part of their combined consciousnesses awake. Where is this park?" Alanon asked turning to Percy "we don't have any time to lose."


"Did you hear that" Adam asked

"That was Alanon" Ambrogio said with excitement "the dampening field must be weakening."

"You got through to him?" Adam asked "but why did he ask us to wait?"

Mentally shrugging Ambrogio asked "were you trying to contact someone? Percy or Heath."

"No I..." Adam cast his mind back "I was thinking about Heath hoping he would be able to connect with me. I didn't think I was trying to connect with him."

"Evidently that was enough for your mind to reach out" Ambrogio said deep in thought "your powers must be growing."

"I'm not sure I like the sound of that" Adam mumbled "but we should go back to our little corner before they try to contact us again."

"Your right as long as we stay here it'll be harder for them to contact us," Ambrogio agreed. "Do you know the way?"

"Of course I do," Adam objected to Ambrogio doubting him "it's this way."

"Are you sure?" Ambrogio asked "I think we've been this way before."

"You're worse than a back seat driver."

"I don't know what that is," Ambrogio said.

Some time later Adam reached the lit corner of his mind. Sighing in relief he announced "I told you I knew where it was."

"They why do you sound so to have found it?"

"Did you know how to get here?" Adam asked wishing he and Ambrogio were real so he could hit the infuriating man.

"Temper, temper Adam," Ambrogio laughed "I did not know my way back here. You are right I should be more thankful you did not leave me in the dark."

"You're welcome," Adam said somewhat mollified. He opened his mouth to speak when Ambrogio motioned for him to be quiet. That's when he heard it. The unmistakable voice "Alessandro" they said together.


  1. Haha, I actually really like Ambrogio. There's something about him. I like how you edited the pictures that were in Adam's mind. Also, the humor about the back seat driver? Ambrogio has never seen a car xD This was an ineresting chapter, but what a cliffhanger. I hope Alessandro doesn't dfind them >:(

    1. Ambrogio is growing on you I see. He's really not a bad guy. He really does view Adam and Heath as his children. He regrets many things he's done in the he's willing to do just about anything to keep them safe. I really enjoy writing about Adam and Ambrogio's growing relationship. It's kind of a mix between father/son and brothers. Alessandro is coming and Adam and Ambrogio will be sitting ducks if Alanon can't break through the dampening field and wake them up.
      Thanks for reading and commenting!
