Sunday, August 2, 2015

3.9 Main Concern

Waking early Don looked across the room where Heath was asleep. It felt strange to sleep alone until he reminded himself it had only been three weeks. Two weeks in the time bubble and one week since they had been rescued. So much had happened and if he allowed himself to thing too much about it he would be hopelessly lost in a maze of confusion. Holding his stomach Don hoped the life growing inside him would be greeted with less turmoil then the child they lost. Glancing over at Heath he hoped they would find their child before it was too late.

Sitting up Heath rubbed his eyes feeling groggy from lack of sleep. It had been a long grueling walk and he hadn't been fit enough to make that long of a hike but his love for his dad prompted him to put one foot in front of the other. He had thought he would get a checkup when hey arrived at the hospital but that idea few out the window upon meeting the resident vampire specialist. It was bad enough to trust his dad in their care it was another to trust them himself. He'd wait until he was back in Dragon Valley. Their research into male pregnancy is light years above anyone else. Seeing Don watching him in concern he pasted on a smile.

"Hey good morning hon," Don said attempting to smile but falling short as his eyes displayed his concern. "How are you?"

"Tired but what's new?" he said sitting up. The flatness of his stomach felt wrong and the silence of the room was a reminder of what they'd lost. Where was their baby? Would they ever know if it were a boy or girl? Was their baby growing up too fast within the time bubble? He had done the math, they had less than a year to find their baby before it was too late.

"What's the matter?" Don asked sitting beside him on the bed.

Shaking his head Heath looked into Don's light blue eyes. He saw the concern, the fear mirrored back at him. "We should be out there looking for our baby. Time is running out. The longer we sit here the less time we have." He felt Don wrap his arms around him, holding him close. Oh how he loved the feel of Don's arms around him. The feeling of safety and comfort threatened to overwhelm his senses.

"I know hon I feel it too," Don told him holding him tight offering as much comfort as he could provide. "I want to be out there looking, searching too but where? We don't even know where the time bubbles are? How do we get inside them if we do find one?" He felt Heath shudder as he fought to remain calm. "The only ones who know can't help us until they wake up."

"It's my fault that dad can't wake up," Heath cried "if he hadn't given me so much of his blood to heal me..."

"You don't know that," Don told him holding Heath's face firmly in his hands "we don't know what happened. Maybe whoever the Watchers are or this Silver person were somehow able to get into his mind and do something."

Nodding Heath stood up wiping his eyes dry. "I know if anyone can figure out what happened mom can. She should be here today."


Walking into Adam's hospital room Heath could tell his mom was livid by the way her greens snapped and sparked in the light. The stupid specialist stood their looking down his nose at her. 

"Don't give me any of this bull shit about my husband needing blood. I know he's a vampire. I'm not an idiot. I know he can survive on the blood substitute made from the plasma fruit. He has done so for the last five years."

Crossing his arms the doctor scowled at her "don't presume to tell me my job. I've specialized in the special needs of vampires. I'm telling you that your husband is severely malnourished from the lack of blood. That is the sole reason he's in this coma." He moved towards Adam's bed. Anticipating his move Beverly stepped in front of him. "Out of my way woman," he shouted grabbing her arms to forcibly remove her.

"Get your hands off my mother," Heath shouted as came int the room.

Looking at the young man then a the pretty green eyed woman the doctor smiled "I'll get a court order to administer the transfusion. Then we'll see whose right." Glaring at them he strode from the room.

"Mom can he do that?" Heath asked.

Nodding she dropped into a nearby chair "I'm afraid so."

"We can't let him," Heath knelt beside her "Once dad has consumed blood he'll never become human again..."

Stroking his hair Beverly smiled at him "then we won't let them."

"But how?" Heath asked feeling battered from everything that kept bombarding him. He looked up when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up he found Don standing silently beside him giving him the strength and support he needed.

"Heath there are ways and that doctor knows it. He thinks he can threaten us and we'll roll over and let him do as he pleases." Nodding her head as if coming to a decision she said "Heath call your Aunt Doloris and have her come down for a consult. I'll call your Aunt Corina to forestall any legal actions he can come up with. We'll show that stupid doctor we're not as weak as we appear. That our bite is worse than our bark."

Relieved Heath was glad his mom was there to take control. Standing up he went to make the call, confidant that with all the weight of the Van Winkle family this doctor wouldn't know what hit him.


"Well that's something at least," Adam said to Ambrogio.

"What was?" he asked unaware of the conversation that Adam overheard.

"You didn't hear that?" Adam asked frowning. Shaking his head Ambrogio looked at him dumbfounded. "Well the doctors are wanting to give me a blood transfusion and Beverly is refusing consent. The doctor left threatening to get a court order."

"They can't let the doctors give you blood Adam. It would be the same as if you drank it yourself. You would remain a vampire..."

"I figured as much," mentally Adam shrugged "it wouldn't be the end of the world."

"No Adam this is not your destiny," sounding more upset then Adam did at the prospect.

Picking up on his distress Adam asked "what can i do about it? I'm locked inside my own head. I've been here before. I much prefer your company to my own thoughts though."

"We have to wake you up," Ambrogio asserted.

"Are you any closer to that?" Adam asked.

Wishing he had arms and legs to demonstrate his frustration Ambrogio exhaled loudly "no."

"The we have to hope that my family will do everything possible to prevent them from giving me blood," Adam said his voice sounding resigned even it his pulse rate increased at the thought of being a vampire forever. He heard alarms going off in the room he was in.

"Adam you've got to calm down" Ambrogio instructed.

"I'm trying," he shouted back through his rising anxiety.

Listen to my voice" Ambrogio spoke in a calm soothing tone "just concentrate on breathing. Nothing else matters."

"I am breathing but it's not helping," Adam could feel his panic rising but it didn't feel like it was coming from him. That's when it hit him "Ambrogio it's not my anxiety but yours. Is it possible that you've connected into my systems that your no longer just an essence inside me?"

"I didn't think that was possible," Ambrogio cold feel it now as his panic grew. It had been so long and he had no idea how to control it. The alarms from the machines became deafening. He had tried to be strong for so long believing everything that Silver had told him. Silver's betrayal was the final straw, disintegrating his trust in everything, shattering him in the process. He had thought it was Adam and it was him who was falling apart. "Adam help me....I can't....I'm sorry..."

Seeing him struggle, feeling his pain, the deep wound that Silver inflicted him with. Adam did the only thing he could do under the circumstances. "Ambrogio listen to me. Listen to my voice. I know your hurting but it's not your fault. None of this was your fault. You've been the unfortunate person used by others. It's time you let your guilt go."

Listening to the voice letting it soothe his frayed nerves. Calming his broken and shattered psyche.  Listening to Adam it almost felt like his father was speaking to him and he wept. For the first time in years perhaps decades he let himself feel. He saw so much of himself in Adam. Understood his struggle. His fears. The thought of being unable to prevent Adam from being given blood had been more frightening to him then to Adam himself. His mind shouted for help and touched upon one mind. A mind he hadn't touched in decades. Would he come? Would he help? He was the only hope they had.


Rushing into his dad's hospital room as the sounds of alarms stared going off. Heath watched terrified as the nurses and doctors rushed around his father's body. Standing helplessly to the side he clung to Don who had become his silent support through all of this. Were they wrong? Did his dad need blood to survive? Was something else going on inside his head? Taking a deep breath to still his frantic mind. He remembered the technique Ambrogio taught him. Blocking out the sights and sounds of the room around hi he sought his dad's mind.

It was so dark, so very dark. Heath wanted to run back towards the light. About to give up he heard something...something in the distance voices dad?" he called out "dad can you hear me?"

"He can't but I can," came a voice from the darkness.

"Who are you?" Heath asked afraid he had made a grave error in seeking his dad. This new voice could just be another enemy.

"I'm Alanon," the voice introduced from the darkness "you and I are seeking the same mind."

"How do you know?" Heath asked losing his cautious nature as he tried to figure out was was happening.

"I was once very close to Ambrogio. He now shares consciousness with Adam. I felt his turmoil when he called out to me. I sought him and wound up here."

"I was looking for my dad," Heath explained "they need our help..."

"Where are you?" Alanon asked.

"In Bridgeport," Heath replied "we thought the doctors could help my dad since they know about vampires...."

"That was a mistake," Alanon said harshness turning his voice deep and menacing 

"He needed help. He wouldn't wake up..."

"But now Alessandro knows where he is," Alanon broke in "he has given orders to give Adam blood."

Shaking Heath realized their mistake. No wonder the doctors were so adamant in giving Adam blood. The doctor was under orders. To disobey or fail would no doubt be a death sentence. "What can we do?"

"Do nothing until I get there," Alanon told him "I'm too far away to offer much help. I'm coming. I'll advise Percy what to do to calm them to buy us some time." Turning to the boy "I will do what I can to help your father." With that he was gone and Heath was left alone in the dark.


Coming to Heath found himself on the floor being cradled in Don's arms. Blinking he found Don staring down at him with scared eyes "Heath?" he asked his voice hoarse "are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Heath pushed himself up leaning against the wall "how's my dad?"

"I....I don't know," Don hung his head. Once again he failed. Failed when Heath needed him to be strong. "They kicked us out of the room when you fainted. I'm sorry I should have stayed..."

Reaching up Heath gently ran his fingers across Don's chin making soothing sounds. "It's not your fault. I don't expect you to be able to stand up against vampires on your own." Struggling to get to his feet Don lent him a hand to steady him. "Are you alright? Do you need to see a doctor?"

Shaking his head Heath refused "I will not seek medical care in this facility and neither will you. It's too dangerous."

Shock left Don gaping "why would I need medical..."

Looking him in the eye Heath said "I know your not well. You've been trying to hide it from me but I can tell. If you need to see a doctor go to Dragon Valley. The dragons will protect you."

"Not without you," Don shook his head "I'll be ok."

"I'll believe you for now because I have no choice but why won't you tell me." He looked into Don's eyes pleading for him to open up to him. "Please let me help you if I can."

"I don't know if I'll be adding to or alleviating your anxiety by telling you." Looking down Don mumbled "I'm pregnant."

"I'm sorry your what?" Heath looked at him in a mixture of disbelief, fear and excitement. "That's not possible" he finally said.

"That's what I said when your dad told me," Heath looked up at him sharply. Nodding Don continued 

"Adam wanted to stay in the time bubble and look for our baby. He changed his mind when he detected motion inside me." Crumpling to the floor head in hands he cried "I'm sorry. It's my fault that our baby was taken. Fainting when you needed me to be strong. My fault that Adam couldn't stay and search." Looking up briefly with pain filled eyes "he said I was his deciding factor. He didn't want me to suffer the way you had. That the pregnancy was ten times harder because the baby was growing faster than you body could adjust due to the time bubble."

"The baby was growing too fast," Heath muttered to himself as he remembered the weeks and months of agony as he waited for the baby to arrive. Stroking Don's hair "dad was right. I wouldn't have wanted you to experience the agony I did." Gathering Don into his arms he realized their time together was coming to an end. He was dreading their separation even now. "Don I want you to do something for me. For the baby."

"No I won't leave you," Don shook his head vehemently "don't ask me to go...I can't leave you. I won't."

"Baby it won't be forever" he pulled Don close rocking him back and forth. "It's not safe for you here. The Watchers could come and take you or Alessandro's men and I don't know who else. You'll be safe in Dragon Valley. The dragons will cloak you. Please go there and be safe."

"But I want to be here with you," he sobbed letting go of his pent up emotions.

"I know baby I want you here too." Heath soothed "but your number one concern right now is the health and safety of our baby." Heath put a hand on Don's stomach "regardless of how this happened it's a blessing. A product of our love."

"You love me?" Don asked looking tearfully up at Heath.

"I've been a selfish brute haven't I? Only thinking of myself. I'm sorry," Heath held Don kissing his forehead softly "I forgot that this had to be as difficult for you as it is for m. I'm sorry," he repeated.

"I...I still don't want to go," Don protested.

I know baby. I don't want you to go either. We have to think what's best for the baby. Dragon Valley is leaps and bounds ahead the rest of Sim Nation in male pregnancy. My Grandpa was working on a viable process before he went to the future. He took over great grandpa's research. They'll know if anything is wrong. Besides they'd jump at the chance to observe the process up close. Please do this for me. For the baby. I want you both safe." Nodding in resignation Don leaned into Heath taking comfort feeling Heath's arms around him. 


  1. So Silver is a bad guy? How do we know that he wasn't really helping the baby? It did grow too fast in the womb and they were surrounded by watchers, so maybe Silver is a good guy. I'm glad Alanon was able to connect with Heath, and that Bev knew not to give blood to Adam. But, Alessandro isn't going to give up so easily, is he? Anxiously awaiting the next chapter.

    1. He might be...I'm not saying. But considering it was Silver who turned Adam's mind off making it impossible for him to wake the evidence does point to him being a bad guy. We'll have to wait and see. Hopefully they find her before too much time goes by because it's already been a week which means the baby is a year old already. Time is ticking. Silver knows it and could reunite the baby with the parents, what's his plan? We'll find out. Alanon is linked to Ambrogio so when Ambrogio called out he received it as a cry for help but not much else. Heath trying to connect to his dad was the reason Alanon was able to connect with him. More to come in the next chapter and you're right they haven't seen the last of Alessandro.
      Thanks for reading and commenting!
