Sunday, September 14, 2014

Generation 2, Chapter 12 - Don't Take My Son

Bury Me Alive

Adam didn't know how long he laid there when he opened his eyes. Fuzzily he recalled coming in, carrying Heath when something hit him. Heath? Where's my son? Adam thought as he heard scurrying and shuffling noises in the room. Then he heard her voice, tight with annoyance. 


"Come here you little brat," he heard Windy shout. As Adam got unsteadily to his feet, he felt unstable but he was thankful that they were still there. "Windy," his voice came out in a hoarse whisper trying again he said a little louder "Windy leave my son alone."

"He's my son too," She glared at him saying "I thought you'd be out longer."

"Should have hit me harder."

"Next time I will," she replied turning her attention back towards Heath. "Son come to mama." She bent down holding her arms towards the confused little boy.

Adam leaned on the door afraid that in his current condition Windy could easily overtake him. He thought that she would have to come through him to get to the door. By then he hoped he'd have some strength back. He watched helplessly as Heath held his arms out to keep her at a distance crying "Bad lady not mama." He beseechingly looked towards Adam saying "Daddy help."

Stepping away from the door Adam shouted "He doesn't know you Windy."

"And whose fault is that?" Windy shouted back turning away from Heath. Taking his chance Heath ran around her to take refuge behind his dad. Peering through his legs Heath watched the bad lady warily.

"You're the one who gave up your rights to him. You're the one who walked out of the hospital two years ago and never looked back."

"I didn't have a choice," she said.

"Liar," Adam shouted back at her. "I was there remember? Whatever your game is, it won't work."

"I'll go to court. I'll get custody."

"Try it Windy, you won't win."

"I'll prove you're not the father." She smiled feeling confident that Adam hadn't followed through on getting the DNA test once she signed the papers. She was confident with the fake DNA results that Scot had made would provide all the proof she would need.

"Did Scot put you up to this? Where is he by the way?"

"Of course not and it's none of your business," Windy started to regret coming here tonight. She should have listened to Scot and kept to the plan. She smiled as she realized that Adam was too much like his father and she knew Heath would be his weakness. He'd pay anything to keep that squalling brat.

As if reading her mind Adam asked "What's the matter Windy? Things not going to plan. You'd never win, want to know why?"

Windy stared stonily at him refusing to back down but secretly glad that he was standing up to her.

"I listened to you. You warned me that Scot might try something. I took precautions."

Seeing their carefully thought out plan was going up in smoke Windy moved fast. Pushing Adam aside she grabbed a screaming Heath and ran out the door.

Stunned for a split second, Adam shook his head as he regained his feet. Panic knifed through him as he heard Heath screaming for him. He ran out the door after Windy and his child.

Grabbing her arm he squeezed causing Windy to slow down and stop. "You're hurting me," she accused.

"Good," he said ruthlessly reaching for his son. Windy sidestepped so he couldn't take Heath from her. She held tightly to the squirming child. Heath was terrified of being in the arms of the 'bad lady' and reached for his Daddy who was behind them crying "Daddy, Daddy help."

Hearing the terrified pleas for help impelled Adam to be more aggressive with Windy. "Let my son go."

"No I won't, he's mine,  you can't have him," She cried as she took off running across the yard.

"Windy please don't do this. Can't you see he's terrified of you." Adam pleaded with her but she turned a deaf ear and kept running. Suddenly the yard was filled with lights as a couple of police cars pulled up. "Mr. Van Winkle we received a report of a disturbance. Is everything alright?"

"Thank god you're here," Adam said pointing towards Windy. "That woman has my son."

Standing still, weighing her options Windy stared defiantly into the unfriendly faces of the police. Slowly she lowered Heath to the ground before giving herself up. Running to pick up his son, Adam turned to her saying "I forgot to mention that I informed the police of the harassing text messages I've been receiving and they agreed to drive by and keep an on eye on the place." Adam was thankful he had listened to his father's advise and got the police involved.

After the police left with Windy, Adam walked into the house holding his son tightly. He couldn't believe that Windy had tried to take Heath from him. It was surreal. The events left Adam feeling both shaken and thankful. Shaken that Windy could have put their child through something so traumatic and thankful that the police had shown up when they did. They were safe and Windy was in jail. He'd feel better if he knew where Scot was. He was sure he was the one who put Windy up to this. On her own, she was never this ruthless.

"Well little man it's past time you went to bed," Adam said looking into his son's frightened eyes.

"No Daddy," Heath said "Scared."

"Oh honey I know," Adam said gently kneeling down by the couch sitting Heath on the arm. "But the bad lady is gone."

"Gone?" Heath asked seeking confirmation.

"Yes," Adam asserted. "She went with the police men."

Heath sat there absorbing what he said. Adam wondered how much he understood of what happened. "Daddy?" Heath said then stopped.

"Yes son," he said looking down at him.

"Bad lady not mama," Heath said becoming upset.

Taking Heath into his arms Adam sat on the couch putting Heath on his lap. Adam sighed knowing his son picked up on the one thing he hoped he would miss. How could he explain the bad lady was his mother?

"Heath honey, you know Daddy loves you, right?"

Nodding his head Heath said "Yes me luv's Daddy."

Squeezing his little boy Adam continued sighing "That bad lady her names Windy."

Heath looked steadily up at Adam repeating "Bad lady Windy, ok."

Looking down at his small son, his heart breaking as he said "Windy is your mom."

"Windy mom?" Heath looked at him with big round eyes. Adam nodded. Heath repeated this several times becoming more agitated each time until he shouted. "No not mom. Windy bad lady not mom."

Deciding not to force the issue, Adam dropped it. He hoped his father was correct that giving the bad lady a name would help, even it was one he didn't want. He would have to build on this knowledge and eventually Heath would understand. He knew this would be better than lying to him now then dumping the truth on him later. Changing the subject he asked "Would you like to go live with Grandpa and Grandma?"

"Yes," Heath said snuggling into his fathers lap and falling into a sound dreamless sleep.


  1. I think its an elaborate plan to get some money for Scott. We'll see. Did Windy really think Adam would let her take Heath?

    1. It is an elaborate plan to extort money from Adam. Scot really doesn't like Adam since he sees him as an obstacle to completely controlling Windy. Windy knew when she started to write and call it would warn Adam and she was glad that he had taken precautions. Her taking Heath at the end was her panicking over what Scot was going to do once he realized she spoiled his plan.

  2. Replies
    1. It's a good thing Adam had asked them to watch the place knowing Windy is a psycho and capable of just about anything.
      Thank you for reading and commenting!

  3. Man, Windy is ridiculous, first she doesn't want Heath, now she does want Heath. Of course, I'm not convinced she actually wants Heath, but to go for a custody battle over a child you don't really want is just stupid. I don't think she would win anyway because Scot obviously didn't want children, and there's evidence of Windy signing over her parental rights. If I was a judge, I'd be terribly suspicious of her because she's constantly changing her mind about things. Having children isn't something that most people change their mind about so easily. It's usually an absolute "want them" or "don't want them."

    1. Windy still doesn't want Heath. She took him when she realized she messed up Scot's plan to extort money from Adam. Adam doesn't have much himself but Peter would give him whatever he needed to keep his son. I agree with you, you either want children or you don't. With Windy she really doesn't want Heath, she may think she does but deep down she has no feelings for him. She knows she chose the wrong guy and she's making Adam pay for her poor choice.
