Monday, September 1, 2014

Generation 2, Chapter 8 - Glad You're Here

Here Comes the Sun

A week later Adam brought Heath home from the hospital. The house felt empty without Windy there blasting the TV volume on high. Adam hoped that she was happy with her choice. Looking down at the small bundle in his arms, he sighed wondering how Windy could so easily sign her rights away and never see the beautiful baby she had. Regardless of who the actual father was Adam knew he would do anything to protect this child. Adam knew it didn't matter whether he was the biological father, Heath was his son. He did however follow Brian's suggestion and arranged for a DNA test. He knew one day Windy would return and he needed to know whether or not he was the father. 

He was able to take a few weeks off from work to arrange for daycare for Heath while he was away at work. He found he had a new appreciation for the sacrifices his Dad had made for him while he was growing up and raising four children without the support of a wife. Frowning Adam thought back to the day when he received the DNA results. His Father came over one evening and was looking better since the cancer had once again went into remission and he was back to work at the science lab

Smiling Peter said "I'm positive the DNA results will show you are Heath's father."

"Dad why are you so sure I'm the father. It could just as easily be someone else, even Scot."

Shrugging Peter said "If Heath wasn't your son then I wouldn't be here."

"I don't understand. What does that have to do with you?"

Sighing Peter explained everything, how Emit disappeared because of messing up the time line resulting in his ancestor never having been born that caused everything that Emit had done for him to be erased.

"So what you're saying is Emit is a descendant of mine through Heath."

"Yes," Peter said watching Adam intensely afraid that he would become upset with him.

"But that means ... Why didn't you tell me? I would have done anything for you, you know that."

"Son I know but I didn't want you to feel obligated to stay in a loveless relationship."

"So you thought it would be better if you died instead" Adam voiced his anger clear in his tone.

"I wanted you to have a choice. I didn't want to burden you with knowing you could save my life by sacrificing yourself."

"So you chose for me.   By not telling me you took any choice away from me."

"I'm sorry," Peter said as Adam turned away from him.

"Me too I agonized over what I could do. Wondered why Emit didn't come to help," shrugging "I guess I know now." Turning to his father he said "Next time don't treat me like a child. Let me make my own decisions."

"Alright son," Peter said seriously "We'll discuss it like two adults."  Nodding Adam agreed, giving his father a hug, regardless  of the circumstances he was glad his father was still here and able to give him advice when he needed it.

Smiling Adam asked "Want to see your grandson?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Peter said following him upstairs. Going to the crib Peter leaned over and picked up his grandson.

Peter stayed a while cuddling Heath and attempting to convince Adam to go back to college. Before he left Adam gave him a hug saying "Dad I'll think about it. Right now I have enough to worry about with taking care of Heath."

"Hey little man did you enjoy your visit with your Grandpa?" Adam asked to a cooing Heath as he gently rocked him.

"He's pretty special and I hope he's around for a long time. I hope you get a chance to know him." Adam continued to gently rock him, almost falling asleep. Adam jerked awake and gently picked  him up laying him in his crib, kissing his forehead before going to bed.

Adam groggily opened his eyes wondering why he was awake so early. Listening to the quiet, he knew Heath wasn't awake yet, at least he was content for the moment. Closing his eyes he was about to drift off to sleep when he jumped up realizing he had to be back to work today.

Rushing to get ready he went downstairs to shower to find a pipe had burst in the kitchen and he had water all over the kitchen. Groaning Adam took what little time he had to stop the water so that his utility bill wouldn't be as bad as he knew it would be. Glancing at the clock Adam vetoed the shower in favor of feeding Heath as he heard the first angry squalls of a very hungry infant.

Running upstairs with the bottle he held Heath until the bottle was empty. "You were hungry this morning," Adam quipped smiling down at his son. When the baby sitter arrived Adam rushed out of the house hoping he wouldn't be late his first day back on the job. Declining to go out for a drink with the guys, Adam rushed home.

"I missed you, little man," Adam said as he lifted him above his head. Hearing Heath laugh in excitement Adam did it again, then snuggled him close "Regardless of what I think about your mother. I'm glad you're here," Adam whispered to his sleeping son, content in his fathers arms. 


  1. Glad that Adam finally knows the truth and I'm so relieved that Windy is gone. It's sad how easily she gave up her child though. (I'm commenting about the last few chapters) Scott is a total jerk. But hey, it worked out for Peter lol

    1. She is gone now but not forever :( She doesn't feel like she deserves to have Heath and knows Adam will love and care for him. Scott is really bad news and manipulates Windy into doing things she knows she shouldn't, which is another reason why she gave up her son. It did work out well for Peter and Emit both.

  2. Adam did deserve a break from all the drama. Hopefully it will last.
    Thank your for reading!

  3. Awww, at least Adam is doing the best he can. Hopefully as Heath grows up, Adam can have some fun and hang out with his work friends sometimes. I am so glad Peter told Adam about the future stuff. I like the name Heath. :)

    1. Adam is doing fairly well on his own. It might be a while before Adam is able to just hang out and r'elax with friends. It's about time Peter told him everything. IMO most boy names that start with an 'h' are awful. But I've always liked the name Heath so I went with it.
