Sunday, September 21, 2014

Generation 2, Chapter 13 - Back to College


Peter enjoyed working in his garden. The feel of working in the dirt was somehow relaxing after a long day at the lab. Everyday he was grateful for the life he had and the people he had to share it with. Whenever he looked into his wife's beautiful eyes he was thankful that she was there, his love and support through all the ups and downs in their marriage. His children always reminded him of what was important, no amount of money or prestige could ever replace them. He would do anything for them if it was in his power to do so.

Wiping the dirt from his hands, he watched his children race into the house, home from school. Shaking his head, he'd never understand how anyone could intentionally hurt their own children. No matter how many times he's seen it happen, Vallari, his father, and now Windy. He found it inconceivable to cause pain and suffering to the one's you were supposed to love and protect. Couldn't they see the damage they were causing? Or were they so blind by their own needs and desires that no one else mattered?

He feared he'd never know and if he did he wouldn't like the answer. Going into the house Faith ran up to him, giving him a hug. "What was that for?" he asked looking down into his little girls face.

Shrugging she smiled saying "cuz I love you."

Peter smiled at her knowing she wanted something. He had heard her pleading with her mother that morning to go to her friends slumber party. Winking at her he asked "So what do you want?"

Shaking her head she said "nothing. I just missed you that's all."

"Don't get me wrong sweetheart, I like that you missed me so much you had to give me a hug. But I know you're buttering me up to ask me something. So why don't you just ask me."

"Well since you mention it, Molly is having a slumber party."

"And you want to go," she nodded "What did your mother say?"

Hanging her head she mumbled "I had to have all my homework done before I could go."

"Have you started it yet?" Peter asked knowing the answer already. Faith shook her head sighing. "Don't you think you should get started on it?" Sighing again she trudged over to he discarded book bag. Peter watched her before turning to pick up Heath who was tugging on this pants leg.

"Now what do you want, little man?" Peter asked as his grandson snuggled into him.

"Want Daddy. He come home?" Heath asked.

"Your Daddy will come home soon." Peter told him feeling sorry for the little boy who was finding it difficult to cope without this dad. Peter was glad that Adam had decided to finish his degree and had accompanied Brian to college. Peter couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face thinking of how proud he was of all his children. Noticing that Heath was nodding off to sleep in his arms, Peter laid him down in his crib.

Coming out into the living room, he went over to Faith and whispered. "I'll help you with your homework so you can go to Molly's slumber party."

Squealing in delight, she jumped up and flew into her father's arms. Peter hugged her as he threw her across his shoulders.

"Daddy let me down" Faith squealed laughing.

"Say please."

"Please," she said still laughing.

"Ok let's get that homework done before your mom gets home," Peter told her sitting down beside her.

After finishing the Skype call he made nightly to his dad and son, Adam sat wondering if he was doing the right thing. Maybe he should have waited until Heath was older and in school before going back to college. Sighing Adam knew his dad was right, now was the time before life became anymore complicated. He just hated being away from his son, he was growing up so fast and weekend visit's wasn't enough. He was confidant Heath was being well taken care and he was safe, it just wasn't the same as being there. He wished for the millionth time that he could have managed daycare on campus. But that option went out the window the minute they found Scot's name on the faculty list. He trusted him even less then he trusted Windy.

Windy was currently in jail serving a one year sentence for attempted kidnapping. She also had  to pay a fine that neither she or Scott could pay. It still infuriated him thinking of the call he received from her begging him for the money. As far as he was concerned they would all be better off if they lost the key and kept her locked up forever.

Adam accompanied Brian to the Student Union building to break up the monotony of classes and homework. Brian wanted to spend sometime sketching but was distracted when he saw a girl he knew from one of his classes. Feeling like a third wheel Adam meandered up stairs to the pool table.

"Patricia did you take notes from today's lecture?" Brian asked hoping he would be able to borrow them. He felt he had missed something and wanted to double check his notes and he knew she was a prolific note taker.

"Why would I give them to you?" she asked in a hostile tone.

"Jeesh what's your problem? I only wanted to compare my notes with yours," Brian tried to placate her wondering why she was having such a fit. It's not like he asked for the answers to the exam or something.

"I never share my notes with anyone. Why should I? I went through the trouble of actually listening in class and taking the notes. It's your tough luck if you couldn't be bothered to do the same."

Brian stood there flabbergasted not comprehending her hostility, wondered how he could get her to stop yelling at him. A group of girls walked by giggling. One of them yelled across to them "Hey Patty have you asked him yet?"

Stopping in mid tirade, Patricia glared at the girl her spoke, shaking her head.

"Ask me what?" Brian asked the group of giggling girls who were busy watching the frantic hand signals from Patricia. The same girl who spoke earlier looked at him, mindless to Patricia's efforts to stop her. "Patty wanted to invite you to a party tomorrow night." Following her statement the girls walked away heedless of the glares that Patricia was giving them.

Turning towards Brian, Patricia sighed loudly "Well do you?"

"You're joking right?" Brian asked dumbfounded that she had the gall to ask him after she had just chewed him out for something so petty as asking to borrow her notes. Who did she think she was? God's gift to man? Shaking his head laughing "Hell no. You may be pretty but it only goes about skin deep. You're pretty ugly otherwise."

As he walked away he could feel daggers being thrown at him by her intense glares of hate. He couldn't believe he had liked he, thought she was pretty and she was a talented artist. He would have considered going out with her if it hadn't been for the tongue lashing she had doled out. Joining Adam he asked "want some company?"

Looking up Adam smiled at him "Sure. What happened with what's her name?"

"Don't ask," Brian rolled his eyes. "I never thought asking to borrow someone's class notes was a capital offense." Shrugging Brian took his shot. "I lend mine out all the time, no problem. But to her it was the crime of the century." Waiting for Adam to finish his turn he added "Then she had the nerve to ask me out?"

"She didn't," Adam said laughing. "What'd you tell her?"

"I told her she was pretty but hell no. I have no intention of getting involved with a VW."

"Good for you," Adam told him as he won the game.

The following night they each had commitments to attend different parties. Brian was looking forward to the party even though it was the same one Patricia had asked him too. He hoped she wouldn't come as he really couldn't stomach another scene.

He was enjoying himself until he heard her strident voice, complaining the music was too loud. He groaned inwardly thinking the music wasn't half loud enough to drown her voice out.

Excusing himself from the group he was in, he went outside to the join the group at the bonfire. Not as lively as the group inside but at least Patricia wasn't there to ruin it.

Adam was nervous to be going to Ashley's party. He had been successful most of the year avoiding parties altogether. He was afraid of losing control and falling into old habits. His reputation for drinking and being the life of the party was still alive with some of the older students like Ashley. He knew they were expecting him to liven things up and he knew that was all alcohol induced.

When he arrived Ashley couldn't keep her hands off him and wouldn't let him out of her sight.

"So what happened to the bitch?" she asked.

"If you mean Windy, we broke up a few years ago." Adam said somewhat taken aback by her question.

"Oh so no new girlfriend or wife?" she asked moving closer.

"Err no," he said taking a step back, uncomfortable with her being so close.

Moving closer, Ashley ran her hands up his arms, smiling up at him. "Would you like a drink?" she offered.

"No I don't drink," Adam told her.

"Don't drink! Who are you trying to kid?" Ashley asked pouring him a drink despite his protests.

Taking the glass she offered him, he sniffed it wrinkling his nose at the strong aroma of alcohol. "Ashley I meant what I said I don't drink," he said firmly putting the glass down, moving away from her.

"Don't be a goody two shoes," Ashley said annoyed. "I know you like to party and get a good drunk on." She handed his drink back to him.

Feeling heat flush his face Adam once again refused. "That wasn't me. At least not the person I wanted to be."

"Nobody changes that much," she said waving the drink in front of him. "Come on drink it. I know you want too."

He stared at her knowing she was drawing attention to them and others were watching to see what he would do. All he had to do was take the drink. One swallow and she'd leave him alone. One drink couldn't hurt. Reaching for the glass Adam looked into her cold, calculating eyes as she handed him the drink. Feeling foolish, he let the drink slide through his fingers. Falling it splashed onto the carpet and their pants legs.

Looking at him, Ashley growled "look what you did. Now who's going to clean this mess up?" Adam eyed her knowing she was implying he do it. Refusing to give her the satisfaction, he walked stiffly away. "Come back here and clean this mess up," she demanded as he continued to walk away.

Leaving, Adam breathed deeply of the clean, cool night air. He wondered when he had become a magnet for VW clones. The last thing he needed was another cold blooded, life sucking bitch in his life.



  1. First I was thinking, "Finally a girl for Brian" and then she went all barbarian on him for asking for her notes. Well geez. Him nd Adam are not attracting the right crowd at all. What ever happened to Ruby? Maybe that could work for Adam!

    1. Poor Brian just can't seem to meet the right girl. This girl really was something else. It didn't seem to matter what Brian was doing she would show up and start yelling at him. Adam doesn't have much luck either and he's a bit scared to put himself out there now too. I tried to get Ruby and Adam together but it just didn't work. He would invite her to the house in Appaloosa and as soon as he tried to be romantic, she would leave. So I gave up on her. I have someone picked out for both of them, you'll meet Brian's girl soon but Adam has to wait a little longer.

  2. Replies
    1. Don't worry Brian will find someone real nice!
      Thank you for reading!

  3. Wow Patricia. I don't understand the girls who are mean to the boy that they like. It's understandable when you're a little kid, but a college student, really? Grow up, Patricia. Jesus. LOL.
    Aww, Adam gave up drinking cold turkey? Oh well, that's his choice. I am proud of him for standing up for what he wants. :)

    1. Patricia is what Brian and Adam now refer to as a VW short for anyone that reminds them of Vallari or Windy. Yeah Patricia ruined her chances of getting a really good guy. Brian still doesn't have a girlfriend but it doesn't bother him as much anymore.
      Adam gave up drinking not so much because he had but because he wanted a fresh start. Not to say he won't ever drink, he just didn't want to be forced to do something he didn't want to do. Ashley was pushing all the wrong buttons and sent him into self-protection mode.
