Sunday, December 28, 2014

Generation 2, Chapter 25 - Pressure and Manipulation

Social Services came by multiple times after that night attempting to persuade Adam into taking Windy's children. "Sir you have the ideal situation to care for th0se children. You have family willing and able to help. I don't understand why you don't want you son to know his siblings."

"Do you have any idea what their mother put us through?" Adam asked angered by her utter lack of understanding.

"Why should that have any bearing on the welfare of these innocent children?" she said ignoring what Adam was attempting to tell her.

"It has everything to do with it," Adam told her. "Their father nearly killed me. What do you think he'll do when he finds out I have his kids?"

"You'll figure something out by the time he's out of prison," she assured him

"No Scot attacks first, without warning. Believe me you do not want to be anywhere near what he considers his." Adam sighed pushing away from the table, before he was able to go very far the stupid woman announced.

"We've spoken with Mr. Macklamoor regarding the welfare of his children. He is willing to let you have custody of his children until he is out of prison. He's up for parole in five years."

"You're out of your freaking mind," Adam looked at her appalled. Do you really think that I trust anything that Scot says? What kind of a fool do you think I am?"

"I think your paranoid and judgmental and a heartless beast for not taking those poor kids in," she told him as she stood up from the table.

"You're entitled to your opinion. I have two children of my own and their best interests come first." He stared at the stupid, obstinate woman in front of him before continuing "I will not, I repeat, will not be bullied into taking in those kids. I am sorry for them, really I am but there's nothing I can do."

"Windy assures me that you'll eventually give in," the woman told him with a smile. "All I need to do is keep persisting and you'll come around."

"Next time you'll be talking to my lawyer," Adam told her walking away.

Stopping by the door the woman called after him "your not the pushover she made you out to be."

Turning Adam stopped "I've learned a thing or two since then."

"Good," the woman said "Windy may be my client but she's bad news for you."

Taking a step forward Adam asked "then why all the pressure?"

Shrugging "you'd be good for those kids. They need an advocate. I've observed how you are with your kids, you're a good father." She turned and opened the door.

"Then you understand why I can't," Adam said from behind her.

"Yes," shrugging she said "Windy would entangle you into her web of lies and deceit if you took those kids in. I know that but I had to do my best for their sakes." Pausing she hesitated "if I were you Adam, I'd move as far away as you can get. Do it before Windy or Scot get out of prison." With those final words she turned and walked away.


Later that evening Adam approached his dad in the lab. The social workers words laid heavily on his mind. "Dad the social worker came by again today."

Looking up sharply from his work bench Peter asked "is she still trying to get you to take those kids in?" Squinting at Adam he asked "you're not considering it, are you? After all Windy's put you and Heath thru. I can't believe you'd let yourself be talked into this....."

"Dad," Adam called sharply "take a chill pill. I haven't been talked into anything yet. I do feel sorry for them. I'd be lying if I said I didn't care but there's nothing I can do for them. I won't put my children in jeopardy, they come first." Looking away Adam sat down abruptly in a chair.

"Then what's bothering you?" Peter asked following Adam, taking the opposite chair.

"The social worker suggested I move far away from here before Windy and Scot get out of prison. She seems to think I'll be in danger if I stick around here." Looking up "what do you think?"

Leaning forward Peter considered what he should say "son it might not be a bad idea."

"No way, this is my home" Adam was shocked. He hadn't thought is dad would agree but he seemed to have given it some thought.

"Adam, you don't have to decide right now. You still have time to consider your options."

"I know I have time," Adam leaned back in his chair. "Dad when do you think it'll be safe for me to travel through the time portal?"

"When Irissa's at least a year old. Why?"

"It'd be nice to have at least one problem solved before I have to decide to move," Adam explained. "What exactly do you need me to do in the future?"

They spent the next couple hours discussing what needed to be done. Peter didn't mention that he hoped that while Adam was in the future it would spark his interest in robotics again. Peter smiled remembering the little boy who told him he was going to be the pioneer in robotics. Shaking his head, if things kept going as they were that dream would never come to reality and the future would be changed forever.

"What are you thinking about Dad?" Adam asked after his father had been silent for a few minutes.

Smiling Peter asked "Do you remember when we went to the future together?"

Nodding "it was one of the best times we had just the two of us."

"You called it our vacation get away," Peter recalled fondly. "Try and duplicate that feeling with your kids. It may be the first time you'll have to bond with them without the stresses you've had to deal with here."

"I know dad," shrugging Adam smiled "I'm actually looking forward to it. All except the part of living in the same house with that girl. Are you sure that's what Emit has arranged?"

"She's there to help you Adam. Try to at least get along with her. No one expects you to marry the girl," Peter said laughing at his son's expression.

"Ok you win, I'll do it your way. I just don't understand Emit sometimes." Adam sighed thinking aloud "do you think I'll have time to...." his voice drifted away.

"Time for what?" Peter asked with a smile.

Shrugging "time to study robotics while I'm there."

"I'm sure that could be arranged," Peter said seriously trying to keep the smile from his face "just remember what you're there for."

"How could I forget? Irissa will be there to remind me everyday. Also I don't want Heath to have to worry about aliens when he grows up. It's time to put an end to this menace once and for all."

"It will be one way or another" Peter confirmed going over to his work bench to resume his experiment.

After Adam left, Peter found he couldn't concentrate. Putting his experiment away, he sat thinking about their conversation. He should have confided in Adam that moving was what Emit told him he should do. Why didn't he mention it? Shaking his head, he didn't mention it because there was something he didn't like about the way Emit told him. There was nothing he could put his finger on but he just didn't trust it.

He had a feeling he and Adam were being manipulated and pushed into a certain direction. What was Emit up to? What was Emit concealing? These questions were eroding his confidence in Emit, at one time he would have just done as Emit suggested without question. Emit was his friend, wasn't he? Emit had saved his life and was helping them save billions of other lives. So why all the doubts? But he couldn't ignore the warning bells going off in his head when he thought about Adam moving.

Wouldn't Emit be just as concerned about keeping Adam and Heath safe as he was? After all Emit wouldn't exist without them and neither would time travel. But the last communication he had received from Emit, he got the impression Emit wasn't telling him the truth. After years of dealing with Vallari, he had become good at telling when someone was lying and trying to manipulate him. He was getting that same vibe from Emit.

Sighing Peter got up realizing sitting there asking questions without answers wasn't helping.   Unlocking the storage room where the time portal was kept.  As he disappeared Peter hoped he was doing the right thing.



  1. I sense a romance.coming on.and I hope so for Adam. He could use someone to love and support him. As for Emit, he's always up to something isn't he? I think it has to do with the aliens...

    1. Romance is coming Adam's way but will he recognize it when it does?
      There's trouble in the future and Adam is going to get caught up in the middle of it. We'll see if it's alien related or something else.

  2. Uh oh, I hope Emit isn't secretly some bad guy who was trying to ensure his existence or something. Yikes. I think the time in the future will do Adam some good, however. He needs to be removed from all this nonsense. Oh, and I had forgotten Scot was in jail LOL.
    Foster care is still something social services can do, sheesh. XD I get that the lady might have been trying to test Adam or something for some reason, but at least during the end of their conversation she seemed more normal LOL.

    1. We'll see if Emit is a bad guy or not. Peter has serious doubts and feels like he's being manipulated and isn't about to blindly send his son and grandchildren anywhere without checking it out first. Adam has good things coming his way once the aliens have been taken care of.
      That lady is after all working for Windy and expected if she pressured him enough he would cave in and take those kids. Adam has learned to have a backbone and say no. He's having a hard enough time raising the two he has without purposely complicating his complicated life even more. In the end the lady eased off and offered him some good advise, move.
