Monday, March 10, 2014

Generation 1, Chapter 26

After Peters parents left to go home to Bridgeport, he and the kids began to rebuild their lives. For once things in the house were peaceful and the kids began to behave like kids again. Corina found she had a knack for selling lemonade to the neighbors and her most frequent customer was Chase Bedlington. Corina was always nice to Chase even though she personally thought he was a dork for pretending to be a mermaid or was it merman? Whatever he was still a dork.

Doloris began to learn chemistry and has already discovered several potions. She enjoys how mixing different chemicals together combine to make different results. As of yet she hasn't blown anything up. 

Brian has taken an interest in learning ballet. He is becoming quite good at it and now feels comfortable pursuing his interest without fear that someone will make fun of him. Well to be honest with Vallari out of the house, he no longer fears her calling him a sissy for wanting to learn ballet. His Dad was more than willing to let him learn ballet.

Adam was enjoying some alone time at the beach, fishing. His skill was improving and he hoped that he could convince his Dad to let him have an aquarium so that he could keep some of his fish. He was sure his Dad would agree as long as he was responsible enough and kept the aquarium clean and the fish fed. But he was sure he could do it as he would be a teenager soon. Speaking of which he wondered what his Dad was going to give him for his birthday. He could hardly wait for his party.

Corina got up during the night for a midnight snack and thought it would be nice to eat her snack by candlelight. Somehow Corina knocked the candle over while she was trying to light it and started the table on fire. She started to scream and jumping up and down as the fire spread.

Her screaming woke everyone else who naturally all came running into the dining room. Then they were all screaming and jumping around in panic. Peter came running from his room grabbing the fire extinguisher and hurried to put out the fire. He repeatedly told the kids to get out of the house but they either didn't hear him or were to frightened to run to safety. Finally he was able to get through to Adam to call the fire department. Thinking of which Peter wondered why the fire alarm hadn't gone off yet. He wondered if, no she wouldn't would she? He would almost bet that Vallari took off with the fire alarm being the mean spirited person she was, he wouldn't put it past her.

Peter finally got the fire under control as the fire truck arrived. There wasn't much left for them to do, other than to tell him to be sure to buy a fire alarm as soon as possible. He was sure they were thinking he wasn't much of a father for not having one already installed. He just agreed that he would get one first thing in the morning and didn't bother to explain that his vindictive ex-wife swiped the fire alarm as she left the house. He should have noticed but hadn't or maybe he did but he forgot.

When the firemen left he told the kids to go to bed. But he stopped Corina before she was able to escape. "Corina, honey what happened?"

"I don't know. I guess I knocked the candle over and then there was fire everywhere. I didn't mean to, it was an accident."

"I know it was an accident but how many times have I told you not to light candles when I'm not there to help?"

"But you were asleep and I didn't want to disturb you." Corina began to reason.

Looking at her sternly Peter firmly said "Corina that's an excuse. You know better. You could have been burned, you could have died or burned the house down. You were very lucky tonight, we were all really lucky tonight that no one was hurt."

"I know Daddy. I'm really sorry, it won't happen again." she started to sob as she realized how close the fire had come to burning her.

Peter seeing that she was truly sorry reached over to her and gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head. "I know Honey. Be more careful, ok. I don't want anything to happen to you. I love you."

"Love you too Daddy" Corina said through her sobs and sniffles.

"It's getting late, so go wash your face and go back to bed." Peter told her kissing her on the cheek before sending her off to bed.

Peter surveyed the mess in the dining room and decided it would have to wait till morning. He was tired and he wasn't feeling well. He felt lighted headed and a little nauseous. He supposed it was all the smoke he had just inhaled. So he opted to go to bed instead of trying to clean up the mess from the fire.


  1. Yikes, that was a really nasty looking fire. I wouldn''t be surprised if Vallari took the fire alarm. I am glad Peter was able to put that fire out before it did any damage to any of his kids or him.

    1. Vallari's legacy lives on! What other surprises does she have in store for Peter?
      Peter reacted quickly and was able to get the fire under control.

  2. Wow! That fire was intense. I'm so glad nobody was hurt!

    1. The fire was intense and fortunately no one was hurt. They've been through so much they didn't need a calamity on top of it.

  3. Scary times... That's sure to shake up corina and all the kids. Vallari really was a piece of work... Well is I suppose. I expect that's not her only legacy though perhaps the most dangerous. Ugg. Never a moments peace for Peter eh!

    1. If only that was all Vallari has up her sleeve! She's not done yet! Peter won't have an easy time raising four kids on his own. Never a dull moment!

  4. Wow, Vallari is an evil mastermind. Something like the fire alarm is so easy to miss that no one noticed it.

    1. Vallari is also a klepto so she takes stuff all the time. The fire alarm is just the beginning of her fixation she has on Peter and her desire for revenge.
