Friday, March 14, 2014

Generation 1, Chapter 29

Adam couldn't believe his car was stolen. Worse he knew his mother was responsible. How could she be so mean? Why couldn't she just leave them alone? What makes her enjoy causing us so much pain? It's like breaking his Dad's heart wasn't bad enough, she had keep one inflicting everyone with pain. He stood outside staring at the spot where his car should have been. He knew if he asked, his Dad would give him another car. That wasn't the point, why should his Dad pay for what that woman did? Why should they all pay for her evil ways? Why couldn't she just let them be happy? Why couldn't she just ruin her own life instead of trying to ruin theirs too?

All these thoughts continued to run through his mind until he wanted to scream. Becoming chilled from the cool night air, Adam made his way inside. He was unable to settle down and let go of his ill feelings toward his mother. However he forced himself to lie down until he drifted off into an uneasy and fitful sleep.

He was in a room waiting for someone, anyone to help him. His brother and sisters were clinging to him, sobbing and no matter what he said or did consoled them. He frantically looked for his Dad but he couldn't find him. He started to search for him down a hallway that led to another. There was a single closed door at the far end. He slowly walked towards that door, fighting the floor that sank beneath his feet, he tried to run but the hallway seemed to get longer and longer the harder he tried to reach that door. He struggled and stretched and as he grasped the handle in his hands, Brian, Corina and Doloris were all their clinging to him, begging him not to open that door. He had too, it was important that he open that door. He pushed as hard as he could and the door finally opened and he screamed as he saw his Dad lying motionless in a hospital bed with Vallari standing over him, laughing. As he turned to run, Vallari reached out and grabbed his arm and brutally announced "your father is dead and you're all coming to live with me."

He awoke with a start shouting 'No' and choking on sobs. He had tears streaming down his cheeks and the pillow was wet. Shakily he ran his hands across his face and through his hair, trying to convince himself it was just a dream. But he couldn't shake the horrible feeling that something wasn't right with his Dad. He knew his Dad hadn't felt well for awhile, but he thought it was just the flu. Could it be something worse? Was he pretending he was alright so that his children wouldn't worry? Could he be deathly ill? No Adam firmly told himself it was just a dream and everything was ok.

Noticing the time he quickly got the kids up for school. He even had to get Windy up, she wasn't as much help ass he had hoped she would be. She always slept late and refused to help with the younger kids. All she cared about was having fun and causing trouble as she was constantly pulling pranks. That morning as the kids were trying to get ready for school, Windy booby trapped the shower and died Corina's hair a horrid shade of yellow and then Doloris was soaked when she tried to wash her cereal bowl. Adam couldn't help but wonder why Windy wouldn't help him instead of tormenting the little kids.

He tried to explain to her that he needed help but she refused to listen. Lately Adam has begun to feel it might have been a mistake to have made Windy real. But there was nothing he could do about it now. He wondered if his Dad would know how to reverse it. Until he was able to talk to his Dad, he gave her his room and moved back in with his Dad.

 After watching that everyone, especially Windy got on the bus and left for school, he contemplated going back to bed. However he wasn't ready to repeat the dream he just had, it still had him feeling unsettled. Turning to go back inside he glanced across the street and glared at his mother's house. Smirking a little he went inside and gathered some eggs. He walked across the street and starting throwing eggs at Vallari's house. 

He didn't stop throwing eggs even when she came outside to investigate. He rather hoped she would get in the way of one of his eggs. He didn't intend to stop until his eggs were gone. He heard his mother screaming at him to stop and something about calling the cops. He didn't care, she had it coming, that and worse. He was almost out of eggs when the cops showed up. His mother was shouting spiteful words at him but he just ignored her, refusing to look at her or acknowledge she was talking to him. 

The officer took one look at Vallari and the egg mess on her front door and walked over to Adam and escorted him to her patrol car. Vallari was still shouting about how she was going to sue for damages and the officer calmly went to speak with her and to assess the damage. She calmly explained that eggs, other than leaving an ugly mess didn't cause any damage, at least not enough to sue over. After speaking with Vallari for sometime she drove Adam to his house.

"Adam I will have to inform your Father about what you did to your mothers house and he will have to cut his business trip short so that he can arrange compensation to his ex-wife for the mess you made. No matter what your grievances are with your mother is not justification for vandalizing her property."

Adam just sat there, staring glumly out the window. Wondering what his Dad would say when he heard what he had done. He didn't regret egging her house but he felt bad that he was going to his Dad to be disappointed in him. That was worse than the humiliation of getting caught and riding in a cop car. He couldn't help but feel he had made things worse and from the look he saw on his mother's face, she was going to seek some sort of revenge.

Peter received the call from the Appaloosa police department later that night. He agreed to cut his trip short and made arrangements to fly home the next night. There was a meeting he couldn't miss the following morning but after that he would be able to leave. The police informed him that they would be keeping on eye on the house until he got back as they didn't want anymore disturbances. Peter doubted that there would be anymore and he doubted that Adam would risk it. He wondered what happened to cause his normally level headed son to lash out at his mother.

After speaking with the police, Peter didn't feel up to going back into the meeting that he had been in. So he decided to go outside for some fresh air. It had been a good few days, he felt rested but the nausea and lightheadedness still persisted. He wondered if he should see a doctor but he doubted he would find the time in his busy schedule to do so. Surely it would get better on it's own he told himself, ignoring the voice in his head telling him that it had already been a couple of weeks and he still didn't feel any better.

"Peter, are you alright?" Peter turned around as he heard someone call his name. He smiled when he saw it was the pretty new scientist at the lab approaching him.

"Yeah I'm alright. Just needed some air."

"I was concerned that maybe you were ill or something when you left so abruptly from the meeting. I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Thank you but I'm alright. I just had an emergency call from home. My son egged his mothers house and got caught. So after tomorrow's meeting I'm going to have leave and go home and take care of it." Peter explained not sure why he felt the need to tell her about but it felt good to talk to someone.

"Oh how many kids do you have?"

"Four, two boys and twin girls" Peter proudly said. They spent some time talking about his kids and how proud he was of each one of them.

"You said that your son egged his mother's house. Are you divorced?" she inquired.

"Yeah it was a doomed marriage from the start but I didn't realize until much later. The only good thing that came out of it my kids."

"So you have custody of the kids I take it."

"Yes, Vallari wasn't much of a mother and I lucked out on getting a Judge that listened to what the kids wanted. Ms DeGraf it was nice talking to you but I should probably go and pack my things."

"Ok if you want but I thought that it would be nice to go for a stroll. It's a nice night, your welcome to join me if you'd like and you can call me Jean."

Peter knew he should go and pack but how often would he have the opportunity to enjoy the company of a pretty young woman. So he opted to enjoy himself and let responsibilities wait.

He enjoyed his time with Jean, she was so different from Vallari and seemed to be interested in him and his family. Peter learned that Jean was a genius, a computer whiz, was family oriented, loved animals and a great kisser. He hadn't meant to kiss her but looking into her eyes and seeing how the moonlight sparkled in them he got caught up in the moment and kissed her.

He was even more surprised when she returned the kiss. It had been so long since he had been in a relationship and this felt so right. He remembered his mother telling him that he would meet someone but he had laughed and said that he didn't want to be that vulnerable again. He may have been wrong and it might be time to take a chance.

They sat and watched the stars and talked until late at night. Peter sharing his hopes and dreams he had for his kids and every minute they spent together, Peter felt himself falling in love with her. He had always believed in love at first sight. He thought he had found it with Vallari but it was just a mirage, something that Vallari created but wasn't real. How would he know if this was real? Can he trust what was happening? How would it affect the children?


  1. If something happens to Peter I will freak! He is such an awesome guy and father. Glad to see him enjoy himself again!
    I hope Adam figures out what is going on with Windy, I do not like her.

    Loving this family and seeing your writing and storytelling improve since the beginning!

    1. Peter is an all around good guy. He loves his family and would do anything for his kids.
      Adam thought Windy was going to be able to help him but instead just makes things more difficult. Adam wants to find a way to reverse the process that made her real. Not sure if that's possible.

      The story started off as a way to document game play and as it went along the story evolved. Plus as I saw the characters more clearly in my head the writing improved. I know the first several chapters weren't the greatest but I'm glad it's gotten better.

      Thank you for reading and commenting Swedishcookie.

    2. I believe there is a way you can change her back. I believe you just have her click on herself and then select change into toy or something among those lines. Though I think once you change her back it can't be reversed. Don't quote me on that though.
      Do you let the Sims do whatever they want and then you write to that or are you developing a story line?

    3. IF's can change back to doll form but then they can turn back to Sim form. But now she's part of the story line, so she has to stick around for awhile.
      I used to develop the story around game play but now after developing the story line, game play is around that.

  2. True true. She is pretty with that blue hair.
    Exciting to see how the story develops!

  3. Awww, Peter met someone new. I wonder if he'll get past his fears and pursue her. At the same time, I'm wondering if he just falls in love too quickly. :/
    Poor Adam, what a terrible dream to have, especially after losing his car, the poor boy didn't even get a decent night's rest. Yikes Windy is quite the troublemaker, that's too bad.

    1. When Peter met Vallari he was vulnerable and missing his family. Vallari took advantage of his loneliness and I doubt that Peter was really in love with Vallari as much as he was needing someone to fill a void that existed after being disowned by his parents.
      Poor Adam is letting the stress get to him and Windy isn't helping with all her pranks. The dream didn't help either.

  4. Replies
    1. Poor Peter is sick and in denial. As to why he's sick, well his evil ex-wife lives next door who would like to see him and his kids suffer. So even if she's not responsible, she's delighted with the results.

  5. Yay for new romance... Boo to potentially serious illness! You are cruel! Such a shame Wkndy isn't everything Adam hoped for, you'd think that she'd be more like him than his mom but life can be cruel! I hope Peter gets checked up soon!

    Gotta leave it there for the night past my bedtime!

    1. Jean is everything Peter ever wanted. He deserves to be happy and yes I'm cruel to have him seriously ill when he finds his true love.
      Windy is a handful to say the least and seems to have molded her personality around that of Vallari. Adam is in for a hard time.

  6. Yayyy! Love that Peter meet a new girl, but Vallari will not be happy at all.

    1. Peter met someone who likes and respects him and they have a lot of things in common. What makes you think Vallari will be upset that Peter is moving on with his life? It's not going to be pretty!
