Friday, March 7, 2014

Generation 1, Chapter 24

Today was the day Peter both anticipated and dreaded. He and the children had to be at the court house at 9:00 a.m. The Judge had requested to speak with each of the children before hearing the case. Peter was nervous he didn't know what the Judge would ask or what the children would say. He had tried to be fair and not unduly influence them. He just couldn't convince his stomach that everything would be ok.

The children were unusually subdued as they entered the court house. They were nervous to talk to the Judge and dreaded seeing their mother. Vallari had moved out about a week ago under the advise of her lawyer. But it was a week of peace and quiet for the children, something they didn't know existed. Of course there was a void in their lives, they knew they wanted a mother but knew that Vallari couldn't give them the love and nurturing they craved. No one wanted to contemplate going back to the way things were before. They never wanted to live in the same house as Vallari again.

Judge Holt, a family man, was hearing the Van Winkle divorce case. His primary concern was the welfare of the children. He didn't believe that the mother was always the best care giver and intended to place the children with the best parent. He thoroughly believed to find out who that would be, he had to talk to the children and observe how they interacted with each of their parents. He observed the children as they came into the court room. 

They studiously avoided looking at their mother as they passed her to sit behind their father and his lawyer. The Judge could tell they had little if any warmth towards their mother. Vallari he observed barely noticed her children as she glared at her husband. Peter on the other hand was busy reassuring his children that everything was going to be ok, all they had to do was tell the truth. Judge Holt appreciated how Peter treated the children with tenderness and patience. He was sure Peter never noticed the daggers Vallari was shooting at him with her eyes.

Adam was the first to go up before the Judge. He was terribly anxious having to sit in front of everyone; especially his mother and her awful lawyer. He tried to take a deep breath to calm his nerves as he waited for the judge to ask him a question.

Judge Holt smiled at Adam, trying to put him at ease before beginning. "So Adam, your the oldest?"

"Yes sir"

"As the oldest you've observed your parents and how they interact with each other, right?"

"Yes sir"

"Adam how do your parents react to disappointment? When things don't go the way they want"

"Oh Dad is great. He always tries to understand both sides. Like when I told him I wanted to learn an instrument instead of learning chemistry. He said that was alright I could be anything I wanted to be. I could tell he was disappointed but he didn't try to make me feel bad or anything. He just listened to me and told me it was alright."

"And what about your mother?" the judge probed.

"Um" glancing briefly towards Vallari, who scowled at him. Then he looked towards this Father who smiled in encouragement. So he continued "Vallari, um I mean mom, would get upset. She told me I had to learn chemistry and said I couldn't do anything else."

"How did this make you feel?"

"Like I had no choice and that she was a tyrant."

Brian was scared, he wished he didn't have to talk to the judge. He kept looking at his Father for strength to get through this.

"Brian, how are your parents at sharing?"

"You don't eat the pancakes!" Brian blurted out without thinking.

"Why don't you eat the pancakes?"

"Well, um ... " Brian's eyes darted around the room like a caged animal looking for a way to escape.

"It's alright Brian, you can tell me why you don't eat the pancakes." The Judge said soothingly.

"It's just, well mom get's upset when we eat the pancakes. You see, she loves pancakes. One day I made the mistake of eating the last of the pancakes and she yelled at me. Ever since then nobody eats the pancakes because is makes mom real angry."

"How did that make you feel?"

"It scared me. I don't like it when people yell."

"What about your dad?"

"Oh Dad's great. He shares everything. Best of all, he shares his time with us. He will always read us bedtime stories, help us with our homework or play games; although he's not very good at chess. I always win!."

Corina was next, she was nervous, she didn't want to hurt either of her parents but knew she had to tell the truth no matter what.

"So Corina, is honesty important?"

"Yes sir, Daddy says we should never lie."

"Do you think your parents are honest people?"

"Daddy is! He told us before we came to court today that all we had to do was tell the truth and everything would be ok."

"and what about your mother?"

"She told me tell you that it was all her idea that I take ballet lessons. That's ok because I like ballet but Doloris doesn't but she still has to take them because Mom said so. Ah oh, I wasn't supposed to say that." gasped Corina putting her hand over her mouth.

"Why weren't you to tell me that?" asked the Judge.

"Because mom said it didn't make her sound nice but she isn't nice so I don't understand why it would bother her." Corina blurted out all in one breath.

Doloris went to the stand and turned to glare at her mother before turning her attention to the Judge. He noticed the glare and wondered what Vallari had done to earn that look.

"Doloris, in your opinion, do your parents compromise when making decisions or do they insist everything has to be their way?"

"Well Dad always has to compromise because if he didn't than we'd never have any peace. Vallari insists everything as to be done her way. Learn chemistry not an instrument or paint and Brian paints really well but the old woman wants him to learn chemistry. Then it's learn ballet not chemistry. Ugh it makes me so mad, I could scream."

"What does your Dad do?"

"He tries to find a way to make us happy and keep that woman kind a quiet. At least until she finds something else she wants done or us to do. I'm glad she's gone and I don't care what you say, I'm never going to live with her again. She's just a mean old woman and Daddy deserves better." With that said Doloris stomped off the stand.

Vallari was next up. She didn't appear to be affected by what the children had to say. She sneered at Peter's Lawyer, glared at Peter and attempted to flirt with the Judge. First she was questioned by her lawyer, which left the impression that she was the perfect loving mother, under appreciated by her children and husband. Next she was cross examined by Peter's lawyer. She smirked as he got up to question her. She knew she had this case in the bag.

The Lawyer calmly approached the Judge and handed him a packet.
"Your Honor I just presented to you picture proof that this woman who claims to be a loving mother and faithful wife is a bold faced lair."

"As you can see from these pictures that Vallari has been on multiple dates with many different men ..." He was interrupted by the gasps of four very young children.

"How could you?"

"That's awful!"

"Daddy can we go home?"

"I knew it, I knew it. You mean old witch!"

"Mr Van Winkle, is there someone we could call to come and get the children?" the Judge asked.

"Er Yes, my parents just came to visit. I could call them to come and take the kids home." Peter suggested.

After the children left the trial continued. 

"Mrs Van Winkle in light of these pictures, do you still claim to be a faithful, loving wife?"

"Yes. What's the harm in a little kissing and flirting? Just because I'm married doesn't mean I can't have a little fun. Peter should try it, instead of being such a goody two shoes."

"If this was all innocent fun, then why did you make sure to keep it a secret from your husband?"

"Well Peter doesn't know what fun is, besides he would of become jealous and ruined my fun."

"Did you think about how your actions would affect your children?"

"Why would I do that? It's my life, not theirs. They already take up more of my time then they deserve."

"Do you think that young children do not need their mother to put them to bed at night?" asked the lawyer pouncing upon what Vallari just said.

"They have their father, he can put them to bed." not seeing the significance in what she just said.

Then it was finally Peter's turn. After Vallari's testimony was complete, he was glad the children were safe at home. They didn't need to know how little their mother cared about them; although he suspected they knew more than he wished they did.

He was cross examined by Vallari's lawyer, a shady looking character who spent more time flirting with Vallari than adequately representing her. He sauntered up to the stand and leaned on the Judges desk.

"Mr. Van Winkle, when you and Vallari were married did you or did you not lie about your family connections?"

"No sir, I told her that my parents and I were not on speaking terms and that it was a painful subject. She didn't press me for more information so I assumed that she was ok with that."

"When did you tell her about your inheritance?"

"I object" Peter's lawyer interjected.

"Over ruled. Peter go ahead and answer the question."

"Well I didn't. I found out later that she had researched my family before we were married and found out my Father was a prestigious scientist in Bridgeport. So I guess she assumed I would inherit a lot of money. I realize now that is why she agreed to marry me, despite my having no money."

"That's not true" Vallari jumped up shouting "you told me. I deserve that money your going to inherit, after all the trouble I went through to get it."

Vallari's lawyer turned to her and angrily told her to sit down and shut up. "You're ruining everything!"

After reviewing the testimony and evaluating what the children said the Judge gave is verdict.

"I am of the opinion Mrs. Van Winkle that you married this young man under false pretenses. You saw him as your meal ticket and an easy mark to gain the riches you desired. I have no doubt that you saw your actions as necessary and ordinary. It is my opinion that your are a thoroughly despicable, greedy individual. It is my verdict that the children will remain in the custody of their Father and you will only have supervised visitations upon the request of the children if they so desire. As Mr. Van Winkle has not inherited anything yet, that money is not in consideration. As Peter is the sole custodian and provider of the children it is the opinion of this court that you, Mrs. Van Winkle will pay child support. This hearing is closed and the verdict is final."


  1. I think you wrote this court hearing very well. :)
    Yay, Peter won! LOL, and the kids won too, cause they're clearly with the better parent. Whee!

    1. Thank you, I spent more time on this chapter than the previous ones and I think it marked a turning point in the way I started to write.
      Peter and the kids won! Vallari doesn't much care about losing custody but having to pay child support is going to hurt the most.

  2. Lol. She would pay child support? That doesn't happen very often in real life, but I'm glad it did happen in this case. Totally serves her right.

    1. I doubt it would happen in real life but Vallari deserved it after everything she put them through. Although it's highly unlikely she will pay it even though it's court ordered.

  3. Good riddance to a rubbish mother, the kids deserve so much better than her and maybe now Peter can find the kind of love he deserves! Glad she has to pay child support too! Hah!

    1. Vallari is the worst kind of mother unfortunately she isn't done with her evil ways. The kids deserve much better and so does Peter. You'll have to wait and see if he finds someone new. It's court ordered but will she pay?
      Thank you for reading and commenting!

  4. I love how Vallari is so self diluded that she thinks there's nothing wrong with blurting out her true intentions in court. Doloris' testimony was the icing on the cake lol

    1. Vallari was too upset to control what she was saying and she was truly her own worst enemy. Doloris cracks me up with her attitude as long as she doesn't turn into her mother she'll be just fine.
